My Baby (being my laptop) is giving me all sorts of problems; and they said Macs never crashed! Thank heavens for Mac Help Forums, though. They saved my tush a multitude of times. My System Preferences was damaged and would crash every time I opened. When I tried to fix it using Disk Utility, that crashed as well. I decided to reinstall my whole OS (without wiping what I've saved) instead. A day after that, I STILL have problems with System Preferences. It turns out there was a corrupted .plist (whatever that is) and all I had to do was replace it. My Baby's entering a stage of constant crashing and rebellion of me -- though I don't know sitting down and having a talk with it or giving love and comfort would help much... xD
Most of my applications are being wacked out, too. Yahoo Messenger has become super sensitive, I click anything while it's trying to do anything else and it just weeps in the corner with a bucket of ice cream. Google Chrome--UGH GOOGLE CHROME. I love GC, I really do, but my GC has gone bonkers and I think it's been on drugs or something. I'll probably switch to Firefox and if that doesn't work, I'll just have to find a way how to fix my corrupt little browsers.
Enough personifying technology:
monkeysrule13 introduced me to a little thing called I am in love.
I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but it's this creative blogging site where you make things like decorated posters as entries. You can do a variety of things; emb videos and place them wherever on the page, emb music, put pictures, text and titles, and you can customize and arrange them any way that suits you. It allows you to get really creative, and man I'm buzzing with ideas of things I could do with it.
Of course though, there are drawbacks. Whether it's just my internet (probably just my internet) or not, my glogs won't go past the saving process or when it does, it disappears. I think its just my browser, cause Google Chrome for Mac computers is complete RUBBISH. I should probably download Firefox right about now, cause Safari ain't doing me good either....
Otherwise I believe this is a really cool thing, I recommend it (if you don't have crappy browsers like I do. It seems like everything works everywhere else but on MY computer. -sobs-)
WOO okay so my Glog fially saved. I didn't get to get too far with it, but you can see an example of glogster
here. and of course, if any o' you peeps decide to make one (if you even have the time to kill for this thing, LOL), add me:
reiofsunshine. I plan to have a variety of things, but the best part: I'll be making all sorts of gorgeous Doctor/Donna glogs <3