Dystopic or just messy?

Jul 09, 2011 23:10

Here is my input, and I hope it's very clear. Not sure how far my opinion and view will matter, but here goes.

So I see this problem hasn't gone yet. Of course things like these don't vanish into thin air in a matter of idle days, or a year and a half apparently. But to be very straightforward, I want it gone. Not hidden, but gone. As in solved. Whether we are scattered across the world and on the internet or not, we are still a group of people. People prefer to be in harmony. Except sometimes we all do something stupid in some way or another, and we think fighting should be placed above peace. And I quite like peace, if you don't mind.

I haven't heard all the perspectives yet. The ones I've read (and honestly, the one I hold right now) are those who support sykira and sandytherese. Despite leaning towards them, I’m going to try and be as objective and side-picking-free as possible. And that will be hard, because, well, see first sentence of paragraph.

I believe there are always two factors in the perpetuation of a conflict dealing with two or more opposing views. One of them is what each side does wrong, and the other is what each does not understand about the opposing views. A classic example of the second is “You started it!” “But you worsened it!”

Truth be told, I didn't know about this issue. Not consciously, if that doesn't sound ridiculous. My first LJ comm was marriedonmars, and then I found Doctor_Donna, and I thought: God, this place is full of life. I didn't right away suspect much. In fact, I thought of the community as this rainbows and butterflies type heaven. I loved the stories people wrote, I loved interacting with the people who made me feel welcome (specifically bas_math_girl), and I just adored it.

So why does this concern me? Why does something I haven't noticed until now bother me? The comm is no different than it was then, because everything was the same, it's just now I know something. The thing is, yes, it is different. People are leaving the community. People who are just complete rays of sunshine. For me, a person who loves this community for so many reasons, it matters. These reasons are:

1) As others have said, the writing that all of the members & mods post on Doctor_Donna is completely wonderful. Writing itself is an amazing thing. Whether it is a talent or a hobby, all of us have a deep appreciation for what others create. Don’t forget fanart. Or videos. Or analytical essays. Or just plain messing around with our favorite characters to have a laugh. It is honestly a place where we can enjoy what we love.

2) The people at the community are equally, if not more, wonderful. I have gotten to know only such a few people here, but I enjoy every single one of their company. Not only did they surprise me when they found my work likable, but when they actually cared for whatever I had to say beyond my fandom. Now that, I think, is something to hold precious, especially when it is actually pretty hard to find people who will genuinely listen to you.

3) We learn from each other. Whether it’s advice on writing, perspectives on characters, or how to be epic in life. I know I’ve grown as a writer and a person ever since I joined LJ, and it wouldn’t have been if not for the people here.

And now LJ is quiet, more than before. Instead, people are throwing hate messages at each other behind the scenes.

Now every single member of the Doctor_Donna has at least one thing in common with each other, that most obviously being the Doctor & Donna. We all adore them. We do, or else we wouldn’t be in this community in the first place. We wouldn’t read or look at anything about them at all, much less write or recreate or analyze them.

I get that we all have different values and priorities. While you may enjoy the content that members of the community contribute to, you aren’t married to the community. You can always leave when things get either boring or in this case, just a bit too much. I understand that. People didn’t sign up to be part of the damn Congress, we came here to have fun. Have a good read. Squee to our heart’s desire without looking like a fool when we normally would. So the community is facing problems, hypothetically, why should I take part if it is genuinely none of my concern? I have other things to deal with, as do other people.

I do not expect all 300+ members of the comm to step up and pick a side, or place their input, because if they don’t care, they don’t care. We shouldn’t badger them to care if they truly do not. Members have that liberty to not care.

I do not hold the same belief for the moderators of the community.

They have a duty to keep the community intact. They are supposed to be mediators of whatever goes on in the community. I don’t have much to say because I’ve only seen one representative of the mods, ex and current, speak up. And of course she would defend them. She worked hard to do what she could for the community despite the other things she had to take care of, and to know that people are discontent is really upsetting.

(And, just put to it out there cause I’ve seen these comments around and I am trying to be objective: saying that they never ever participated in the community or left comments is not true. I’ve had both time_converges and katherine_b comment on my fics. Very delightfully, too. You can say that they haven’t been as active as we’d like them to be, but you can’t say they were very, very dormant volcanoes.)

While I do sympathize and respect her view, it’s not enough to make a clear, fair judgment on the modside. There are more than one. So really, all I have to ask is: Please, could you openly address this matter? This argument’s been like a stressfull one-sided volleyball match with a side dish of “boo”s or cheers from the audience. Why not hit the ball back instead of calling off the game?

And I’m not saying that because of the position I have behind this post, I’m saying that because the people in charge of a community have this responsibility, unless you’re running a dictatorship - which I acknowledge the community is not. Yet, at least. It has the potential to get there.

But the thing is, I don’t think any of the mods are vicious and cruel and without a heart. If they truly were dictators, things would be a lot worse. So saying they run a USSR/Nazi Germany/other totalitarian empire-esque community, might be a bit much. And I know that because I did think it, but after reflecting, I see it’s out of line. (Come on guys, don’t compare genocide and purging to this. We obviously lose that way.)

This pertains to part 1 of continuous conflict: what each side does wrong. The amount of out of line- ness (for lack of a better word) there is. I know most of us have been the said out of line, getting too troll-y or too emotional - which I understand. I really do. We’re not robots after all, we all have feelings and there are things that make us upset. But not even trying to be professional or have manners is something inexcusable. I reprimand anyone who resorts to hateful comments/PMs/emails on any side. It’s wrong if you do it to sykira, sandy, or my p-mother (watch yourself), and it’s wrong if you do it to katherine_b, time_converges, or any other person in support of them. I don’t see any exceptions. I’m aware of and do apologize for any callousness and insensitivity towards the two I have shown on either of sykira’s and sandytherese’s journals, directly, or indirectly. It was wrong of me. I am sorry.

Part 2 of the continuous conflict is written all over this post. I go on and on as if I know exactly what I’m talking about, but really there are so many things I don’t understand and would like to understand. Enlighten me and the rest of us. We’ve got one piece of the puzzle down, please set down the other to finish the picture so we know how to paint it.

I’m not asking for something that requires a whole lot of effort or time, nor am I demanding a perfect utopia where there are no problems at all. All I ask for is our ability to compromise, if we could please work together instead of argue so that we can return to doing what we do best.

shit happens

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