Fic: The Best Possible Outcome - part 4

Jan 07, 2011 01:53

The original brilliant story is by donna_decem , but she’s asked me to continue it for her.

Title: The Best Possible Outcome
Genre: fixit, romance/friendship
Rating: PG
Characters: Donna, Ten, Mr. Aluminum Foil & Co.
Summary: Donna Noble, the woman who saved every universe and forgot, would see a different ending to her story in a world that is no less real than the one we know of.
Warning: a very snappy Donna! ;)
Spoilers: Journey's End, EoT (eventually)
Words: 2078
Disclaimer: The characters (save Mr. Aluminum!), the show, even the story idea are not mine.

"Every possible outcome of every event defines or exists in its own 'history' or 'world'. There is a very large-perhaps infinite-number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but didn't, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes."

-- The many-worlds interpretation

Previous parts (by donna_decem )
1 - 2 
by me

Donna immediately looked up. His back was facing her, holding up his hands to stop their fire. Beside him was one of them, but he was pointing his gun against them instead of the Doctor or her.

“Now, this can all be negotiated,” the Doctor started. “If you’d just leave Earth first.”

“I see,” the leader spoke, ignoring the Doctor, with malicious eyes. “You are among the traitors, Heulsyunis.”

“My name is not Heulsyunis,” Aluminum spat out. “That was never my name nor will it ever be. I am Bureagard of the Gaureen. It is you, who is the traitor of our kind.”

Donna was too astounded to follow what was going on. All she saw was his back of a head, so unsure but so hopeful. The Doctor turned it so slightly to look at Donna, and his one eye staring straight at her making her feel as if she swallowed a miniature professional gymnast.

“If that’s how it is,” the metallic roar became less deafening and more frightening, “then you shall be gone. Slevikshyunis troops, put them away.”

“Oh, bollocks,” the Doctor cursed to himself as all three of them were firmly taken by the arms with guns held at the small of their backs.

Despite just being cuffed around the waist with an electric band and thrown into a stuffy room, all Donna could focus on was the Doctor. They looked at each for a very long time, not knowing exactly what to feel or what to say.

So she made the first move.

“Ow!” The Doctor squeaked after Donna’s hard hit on the arm.

“I can’t, believe you!” she hissed. “First you go off wiping my mind like you’re cleaning your room!”

The Doctor frowned in guilt and had nothing to say. Donna looked at his sad eyes intently.

“And then you show up, like it’s a flipping holiday, and then you don’t even say hi! What is up with that? I mean…”

The Doctor shakes his head, a smile now warming his face, stepping closer to Donna and wrapping his arms around her. “Oh, Donna…”

“…and I’m here all like-oi I’m still talking!” Donna retorted but put her arms around his torso despite her tone, and the Doctor just laughed.

She hid her face in his shoulder and didn’t let him see her tear up. He held her tight, a void being completely filled.

“I missed you.”

Donna mumbled into his jacket in response and the Doctor couldn’t help but sway her like a child.

“We’ll have catching up to do later,” Donna said as she let go and wiped her eyes dry. “What’s going on? And who is…”

The turned their heads to face Bureagard, who sat down on the floor and looked at his silver feet covered with the Slevig armor he had come to loathe.

“He’s a Gaureen. They were taken over by the Slevigs, and he’s trying to win their planet back.”

“Berryguard, was it?” Donna asked, feeling like a fool who couldn’t pronounce anything alien.

“Bureagard,” he replies, attempting a smile but it falls in sadness.

“What was that whole issue out there about being called that one name?” the Doctor asked out curiosity.

He looks at the Doctor purposefully. “The term ‘yunis’ in the traditional Slevig tongue means ‘the underneath.’ I cannot accept such a name that debases my kind and myself.

“I had wished...” Bureagard started in an almost tragic sound that reminded Donna of jazz cymbals. “That perhaps soon we would be free. But it’s been so long. Why is it only I who is poisoned with such thoughts? None of my brethren think the same. Not my father, nor his father’s father. I am alone. I am the only one who is not content with the position of our kind.”

“Now listen here. Just because you’re the only one with the guts to say it doesn’t mean you’re the only one that thinks that way,” Donna told him, kneeling to his level. “There is no reason for you to give up, it’s not over just now. Please keep trying?”

Bureagard looked up at her with a glint of light in his black eyes. He immediately sits on his knees and places his head on the floor, bowing to her.

“Of course. I shall do what the DoctorDonna wills me to do.”

The Doctor smiled and before Donna could ask any questions, Bureagard had gotten up.

“We’ll need to escape first. These devices will produce an electric shock once they pass the exit and will grow stronger as the distance between the two.”

“Lovely place to put it around then,” Donna commented while putting her hands on her waist around the belt.

“Right!” The Doctor jumped up. “Please, Sir Bureagard, allow me.”

He took out his sonic and with only one buzz, the belts fell uselessly on the floor.

“I missed hearing that sound,” Donna sighed. The Doctor grinned and he took her hand, just like old times, before humoring her and using the sonic on the door and escaping.

But as they came out, a group of Slevikshyunis soldiers turned around and once more pointed their guns at the three of them.

“Oh, I’m quite tired of seeing those!” The Doctor stepped forward, irritated. “I’ll ask you nicely once. Please put those down.”

But the guns only clicked as to switch to worse setting.

“Hey you… Sleevi…wha’ever,” Donna decided to play her own card as she nervously stepped up with her back straight and head high. She wasn’t sure this was going to work but she took her chances.

“Have you any idea who you’re waving those things at?”

The Doctor suppressed a smirk. “This is going to be good.”

Bureagard caught on soon enough. “Brethren, stop! This human right here, standing before you, it is she who is the DoctorDonna!”

Many of their faces took an alarmed expression as they lowered their weapons by an inch.

“Heulsyunis, we’d rather you stop,” the big one in front said. “We expected that you would fix your demeanor when you asked to join the fleet. You are very close to being expelled from this mission.”

“Then so be it!” Bureagard rumbled like pipes falling to the ground, but the Doctor put his arm in his way to assure him. Bureagard fixed his composure and resumed.

“I may have deceived you in the past, brothers, but believe me at this moment, she is the DoctorDonna, the very being who had brought Gaurinon…Slevidis back from the Medusa Cascade! Who had saved existence itself!”

“Hold on, you were one of those 27 planets that disappeared?” Donna broke out of her high and mighty front.

“It’s a small universe,” the Doctor said. “Well, not really, but you get my point.” Donna rolled her eyes at him.

“Shame on all of you, brothers! Do you not recognize the almighty DoctorDonna, after the countless shrines made in her honor?”

“Shrines? For me? I’m chuffed,” Donna snorted but the Doctor gave her a disapproving shake of his head.

“If you will, oh DoctorDonna, please demonstrate to us the Stance of Legend.”

“Stance o’ what now?”

“See? This puny human is most definitely not the DoctorDonna,” one of them said.

“Oi!” Donna fumed. “Just cause I’m shorter than everyone else-oh alright… could you specify this....position? I do have many stances, as one may already know.”

“The Stance of Legend is said to be the stance the DoctorDonna had taken as she defeated the Dalek fleets.”

“Oh…” Donna tried to recall, she looked back at Bureagard, who was nervous but also had faith; to the Doctor, who was urging her to go on, excitement all over his face; and then to the Slevikshyunis, who were waiting impatiently.

“So you mean…” Donna stood up straight and sort of outstretched her arms and hands as if she were about to press a bunch of buttons in front of her.

Suddenly all who were in front of her gasped and immediately put down their weapons.

“It is…the DoctorDonna!”

“Yeah, what then,” Donna smirked.

“Forgive us, O Almighty one!” They immediately dropped down to the ground, bowing.

“Oh alright, alright, you’ll be forgiven…” suddenly the image of the body she’d seen before in the parking lot came to mind. “…and that, I tell you, was not easy to do. Now get up, I’d rather be shorter than all of you lot.”

“Right, so!” The Doctor cut in. “Let’s sort things out, yeah?”

The main Slevikshyunis shot a glare at him. “You will be silent! Only the DoctorDonna shall give us order.”

“Oi, wait a minute! That twig over there is the Doctor, and the will of the DoctorDonna bids you to listen to him as much as to me!”

“M-My apologies,” he stammered. “Please, go on… Doctor.”

The Doctor tried not to make his amusement evident. “First things first! Where are the invading fleets?”

“They have just been dispatched.”

“Right. Call them back in, preferably before anyone else dies, please and thank you.”

“Yes, sir.” He nodded at a few Slevikshyunis at the left and four of them went to the communications console to retrieve their troops.

“Also,” Donna added. “We’d like to see that captain of yours…”

“Captain Ueslivan is not to be interrupted in his personal-“

“Excuse me? Did this Use-less-van ever save your planet at the click of a button and pull of a lever? How bout all of time and space?”

“I-I am sorry, O Almighty One, but even if I wished it, I could not-“

“Nevermind it. I will take them myself,” Bureagard stepped forward. “You will go on. Judirus, look at me.”

The Slevikshyunis’ eyes shined at the name that was hardly ever said.

“You wish for Slevidis to be Gaurinon, the Slevikshyunis to be the Gaureens, do you not? You wish to be called not a yunis name but your own?

Judirus hesitated. “Such wishes are a sin.”

“Not in my book,” Donna butted in.

Bureagard nodded in agreement. “Even if it were a sin, Judirus…”

“Sin away,” the Doctor completed his sentence.

Judirus bows gratefully to the three of them. “Thank you.”

He ran off with the rest of them and Bureagard instructed the Doctor and Donna to follow him.

The halls felt like Donna had fell into a rabbit hole. It made her feel uncomfortable, which made her cling onto the Doctor’s hand with both of hers-which he didn’t mind of course. He missed the feel of her hand in his. For once he wanted this all to be over with, he no longer had the thrill of adventure. He just wanted to be with her.

“That was very impressive charisma, I must say,” Bureagard said to Donna. “I did not think you would have such force upon seeing you for the first time. But after all, you are the DoctorDonna.”

Donna gave a modest smile. “Not really. I’m just the Donna part, nothing more.”

Bureagard gave her a shocked expression, he just couldn’t believe what he was hearing from the DoctorDonna.

“Tell me about it,” the Doctor replied in agreement to Bureagard’s surprise. “Don’t talk about yourself that way. You’re brilliant and the savior of creation, end of the story. Bam.”

Donna blushed and muttered a “shut up” and they all walked along to the Captain’s office with a tacit silence.

As they arrive, they find that the doors were heavily locked.

“Here is my territory,” the Doctor said as he pulled out his sonic and worked on the first layer of locks.

Donna leaned on the wall and watched along with Bureagard.

After a short silence, Bureagard speaks.

“If I may ask…”

Donna looked up at him. “Hm?”

“If… you are Donna, and you are the Doctor,” he gestured towards the Doctor, “but your tale is passed down as the DoctorDonna, does that imply… that the both of you are…?”

He needed not finish that sentence as Donna was already blushing and the Doctor was stumbling for words.

“Well,” he started.

“Um,” Donna said simultaneously.

They looked at each other for a while and then the Doctor spoke up once again.

“Maybe,” he uttered. “One day.”

He took a moment to see Donna turn a deeper shade of red and hid her face before he faced his work again.

Bureagard smiled innocently. “I would see it very fitting.”

“Yeah…” both the Doctor and Donna murmured.

Oh please, more like “more than you could imagine.”

Part 5

!fanfiction, fixit, let's go on an adventure chaaarlie, pairing: doctor/donna, rating: pg, genre: romance

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