(no subject)

Jan 28, 2005 23:26

so it's my last semester to be a student.
i've decided to go out with a bang!
i've been a reading/highlighting machine.

business law and the prophets so far. just bible and law book.
the law book was $141.39. i couldn't believe it. how is that justifiable? i don't think it is. in the least. fair. i have no money. and i need a book that costs $141? and believe me there is no paper back or used copy available for miles. i looked. the other book i need is $88 something. system dynamics. a book i am almost positive i will never need to open. but must have just incase. i hate buying those books. and those are always the ones the book store is getting a new edition of.


i had forgotten about
the mood faces. i still think
they are annoying.
has changed.

i worked today from 4 - 8:20. No one was there. It's incredebly slow lately. I am also working tomorrow. I anticipate the same.

Jackie. I will call you tomorrow, I promise. And Eliot. I will call you too. Hopefully we can work something out. Even though it's freeeeeezing. We may need to wait for a warm front. I don't like being outside when it's below 40 degrees.

I have a *real* job interview on Tuesday. It's here www.pmg-affiliates.com. They oddly have an office in Mineola. Literally 5 minutes away from Elena's house. It's a very small world. It's a marketing/management training program. Good place to start I figured. See if I like it. Who knows.

I've decided that growing old is a fraud. People are entirely responsible for their age.
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