
Nov 01, 2004 01:40

i read some newspaper articles and a book. one was partly ficition. one was entirely fiction. both carried pretty much the same message.
that message being
"oh fuck"

for the most part. in the worldly terms of things. everything is pretty much out of control. we're looking at another awful election that will no doubt end in court hearings about re-counts and talks about how no one votes. well, give us something to vote for. we have one who is lucky to complete full sentences and one who changes his mind about little things like war pretty much every morning that he wakes up. and the third party candidate. who well... whatever. and then there's osama. videotape released days before the election telling the United States fate is in the hands of the people. well osama. we have both of our hands in the same bucket of shit right now. i really don't know what to tell you. you either get the left hand full or the right hand full. either way won't make a difference. while bush will keep going with the war on terror, or kerry will "end" the war on terror by just calling it something else. all in all in this election that's pretty much what it comes down to. the war and terrorisim and national safety.

War: probably was going to happen anyway. could have definitely been avoided. we as a nation just need to adopt every other country's policy of "well who the fuck cares". i think that if we did that. we'd be a lot better off. stop destroying countries and then investing millions to rebuild them. let them be and just destroy themselves. no money out of our pocket. if their own governments aren't concerned why should we be? we have problems here in this country. why not trying fixing those instead of running over peoples toes with our tanks and hummers? take that money and put it into something worth wild. like the citizens. maybe give free health care to the elderly instead of putting million dollar cameras on missles? shut an eye to the world for a few years and see who they all come to when they can't even walk out their front doors because guerillas are bombing markets and assasinating "leaders". when their economies colapse and they've fallen so far into debt that they need us like when we first started this big brother to the world bullshit that we call the "act of spreading democracy". we feel like these people are going to owe us something after we help them to. a legitamite claim perhaps. does it work like that? fuck no. everyone turns there backs on us and tells us that we shouldn't send troops. we should send the peace that is available in this nation. well i guess under those circumstances these leaders will just step down and tell us to run their country and help them. not so much. they just shoot at us and kill the people that are there trying to repair the "country" that they live in. well. fuck them. that's what i say.

Terrorism: people hate us. that's all it really comes down to. they've hated our policy for years. this is the first time someone has actually step up to bat. single handedly osama bin laden has grabbed this country by the neck. he's had his had there for the past three years. his grip really hasn't faltered after our tremendous undertaking of the "war on terror". it's pretty much become as useful as the war on drugs. yeah the government catches a few here and there. but it's still comming. and if there's a supply. there is someone will to try and cash in on it. be it psycologically or monitarily. osama laughed at bush's attempts to catch him. he said he had no trouble with them really. well george. great job. he thinks you're an asshole too.

National Safety: last but certainly not least. hey, we were never safe. we just didn't have anyone that was capable of pulling something off like that before without getting caught. that's pretty much what it comes down to. nothing has really changed. i mean think about the cuban missle crisis. granted the missles weren't fired. but if they were? who is going to stop them? no one. maybe we should somehow install regan's star-wars program. because from the looks of things. that's the direction that we're headed in. in the big scheme of things. you're not safe. "oh no but if we say we aren't safe the terrorists win". fuck that. and fuck everyone who's trying to really say that any time they see a low flying plane they don't say in their heads "not again". and the people on the planes that see someone suspicious think "not this plane, not me, not my family". fuck all of that. if it's you it's you. if it happens to be your plane. it's your plane. orange yellow green red, whatever the color code of the day is, it's not going to keep osama from being integrated into every brain in this country. and our patriot act (read McCarthyism) isn't really helping either. hey. here's an idea. lets just have camps. and put all of the middle eastern people in them that live in the United States in the camps. and we can keep them there until this whole "terrorism" thing is over. well, chances are, it won't be over anytime soon. technology is a blessing and a kick in the teeth. organization is now global and happens instantly. it's not really the bad guy getting in his plane and flying to meet the other bad guy, only to be met by captain america who stops the evil plot before it starts. hundreds of people can recieve emails and internet postings all at the same time. and all act on that email. there's really no time lag.

in closing. we need to wash our hands of the shit that we have dug our hands into. and somehow find a way to get out of this awfuly deep hole that we have been digging since approximately the 1960's. i say break those handle shovels off and start building a ladder because we have about 40 years of fucked up forgien policy to crawl out of.
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