
Oct 22, 2005 20:27

Go easy on me, y'all, I've never written a fic with actual sex before. Or an original fic. And yes, this is NC-17 femslash, not work safe, so no one read it if you're uncomfortable with that (eaterofnoodles, I'm looking at you).

And yes, Leah is based somewhat on me.

Untitled as of yet )


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uncut_diamond October 23 2005, 01:17:55 UTC
Is it wrong that I sort of read this as an instruction manuel? :p


theniwokesoftly October 23 2005, 01:33:43 UTC
Heh, I'm sure some woman will be happy for that. Remember when I told you I didn't think reading my journal would be as exciting as you thought it would be? Yeah, it might be exciting after all if I continue this story like people want me to.


uncut_diamond October 23 2005, 01:35:12 UTC
Anything I can do to learn how to better please the next girl in my life the better. :)

But yeah, I like reading your journal. Please don't equate a lack of comments with a lack of interest.


theniwokesoftly October 23 2005, 01:43:47 UTC
Heh, I think it's an average journal, I was just talking about lesbian action, since I believe when I told you nearly my entire flist was female, and a large percentage of them lesbians, your immediate reaction was ooooh your journal's gonna be fun, huh. Yeah, normality, not that. But I'm glad you think it's interesting.


theniwokesoftly October 23 2005, 01:49:24 UTC
Oh, if you liked this and want to read a really good kink femslash piece, read Uber-Alex in Romania by canna500. It's excellent.


uncut_diamond October 23 2005, 01:50:38 UTC
Okay, thanks!


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