(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 12:50

I don't think anyone knows how hard this is for me... Yipes!

But here: an A/O drabble I worked on in class all morning. It could be AU or not, but it's Alex as a pianist and Olivia is Olivia. I wrote two versions and I'm saving the other one for when there's a suitable challenge on svu100 or thursday100. This one is only 89 words. (The other is currently at 117 and it's similar but not.)

She is playing Debussy, clusters of notes, chords that overlap each other continuously, tones and colors that Bach and Handel never dreamt existed... Alex is beautiful when she plays, melting into the music, her personality blending with that of the instrument itself, begging for Olivia to touch her, to coax a melody from her as she brings the music out of the piano.

Olivia is drawn to her, slides up behind her, a light touch on one shoulder, a hand slipping around her waist, and the music never stops.

Well? I'm wondering if there's anything I could add the the beginning.


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