
Apr 03, 2006 21:48

Title: Pieces
Written by: sing1118
Pairing: Starbuck/Roslin-ish, Starbuck/Cain, Cain/Gina, Starbuck/Racetrack, Starbuck/Boomer, Starbuck/Kat
Rating: 15 maybe?
Warning: Hints of nonconsensual sex; non-sexual violence
Disclaimers: They’re not mine, but I can play with them. Ron Moore said.
Thanks to: Hayley is an awesome beta especially since she’s never ( Read more... )

bsg, fic

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supersteph April 4 2006, 03:29:39 UTC
You are so good at writing these. I only read this one and another piece a while ago where you said it was the first time you wrote smut. Both are hot. You should write lots more!!


theniwokesoftly April 7 2006, 01:47:05 UTC
Really? I know there's some sex in it but I was really going for character study here. I was kind of aiming for dark, but I've never attempted dark before.


supersteph April 7 2006, 01:52:18 UTC
Yes, really. I don't know anything about character studies or writing techniques, I just know that when you write about sex, it's hot. Maybe its like a beginners luck thing where since you haven't been doing it long you're able to really bring a certain truth to it. I'm not making much sense, but there you have it. Sing writes good sex.


theniwokesoftly April 7 2006, 01:57:34 UTC
You mean since I haven't been writing sex long or I haven't been having sex long? Because I have next to no experience in sex, so I'm always nervous that it's going to sound relly contrived. That's why there's not really a whole lot of detail there.


supersteph April 7 2006, 04:27:25 UTC
Maybe its a bit of both...but I meant writing about it. It doesn't sound contrived to me, it sounds real. Like fantasy coming to life real. But not inexperienced or fanciful, just like something that actually could happen and does all the time. I just remember in the first one (thats the one I'm mainly talking about) it read exactly like it should have. Like everything that happened did so naturally and there wasn't odd conversation in the middle, or funny words that didn't sound right. Like I could read every sentence and think "yes, this could happen, this is hot, OMG SUPER HOT". Maybe the right word is continuity or it flowed or I have no idea how to say it right. But, it was good and it worked. (this is why i'm in science and not arts. or english. it just doesn't come out right)


theniwokesoftly April 7 2006, 09:26:49 UTC
Gotcha. And the fantasy coming to life? that's exactly what it is.


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