(no subject)

Feb 03, 2006 23:11

Hurrah for back on track. So not happy about the Kara/Lee makeout session, but whatever. I know she didn't really want him so I'm not gonna quibble. I was quite afraid that Starbuck would be sent out of control but I think she's sane enough that the character's not completely assassinated.

Someone on TWoP brought this up- I wonder if Scar is the raider that Starbuck gutted on the red moon?

So ralst should be happy- I totally saw Starbuck/Kat there. When Starbuck was menacing Kat I totally thought they could have kissed at any second. Even an angry fuck can still make good fic!


Had a heck of a lot of fun with Walker, Withnell, and pluot. We were really loud, though! I went to the bathroom and my RA said she could hear us from the stairwell. But I told her we had Withnell with us, and she's an RA, so really, how much trouble were we going to get into? They left at 11, that's well within courtesy hours on a Friday. I am so tired, though, I actually called Security to take Walker and Ziggi back to their dorms because I didn't think I could drive but I didn't want them to walk. Oy. Bed now.


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