(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 18:33

So, I have basically a half chapter of my Starbuck/Racetrack fic done- they've finally decided to cooperate with me a little bit. It's not titled yet, so does anyone wanna help me? Also, feedback, please. I want to submit this to ralst, so I want it to be good. ralst, lemme know what you think?

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairing: Starbuck/Racetrack
Rating: G (for now, I'm sure it'll get at to be PG-13 later)


“Screw it.” Racetrack threw her hand down.

“You’re folding with three up? Are you crazy?” Kara pulled the cigar out of her mouth and stared at Racetrack.

“Not when you've got me beat. Prince high red, right?” Kara looked down, not giving away that Racetrack had the hand correct. “Been playing with these cards so long I know every fold.”

Kara sneered. “So life's a bitch. Whaddya wanna do, cry about it?”

Racetrack stood, slamming the cards down on the table. “No, I just want it to end, ok? The bad food, the endless rotations pretending that a card game is the highlight of our day.”

“It's not gonna last forever, ok? Earth is out there.”

Racetrack shook her head. “We could all be chasing our tails over some half-assed planetarium show.”

“Know what? You guys can all go to hell.” She stood, throwing the cards to the center of the table and collecting her winnings. “I'm gonna go find Helo.”

Racetrack stood as well, pulling on her uniform jacket. “Good idea. Maybe the Cylon whore taught him a few tricks.”

Kara paused, then turned back, grabbed Racetrack’s arm and shoulder and slammed her down onto the table as everyone else jumped back. “Be careful how you talk about my friends, Edmonson.”


Kara banged her way into the officers’ quarters, pulling off her shirt as she went. As her head emerged, she saw Racetrack and her lips pulled back in a sneer. “What do you want, Edmonson?”

“I was getting back a book that Boomer borrowed. Sorry, Thrace, I’ll be getting out of your way now.”

“You do that.”

Racetrack made her way out the hatch and Kara spun around, driving her fist into the mattress of her bunk. “What is it about that bitch?!”

“What bitch?”

Kara whirled around. “Frak it all Lee, you should make more noise when you come in a room!”

Lee smirked at her lack of a response. “So, you’ve just got it in for your mattress, then?”

“Ugh, it’s Racetrack. Bitch just never shuts up.”

“She’s a good pilot, Kara.”

“She’s so infuriating.”

“Kind of like you?”

She rolled her eyes and pushed him away, down onto his own bunk. “Oh, shut up, Lee.”


“Hey, Chief, this looks pretty good.” Kara surveyed the frame and wires laid out before her.

“Thanks, sir,” the Chief grunted as he pulled the cable out and tried to reconnect. “Frakking com connections. Can we get someone down from CIC?”

“Maybe Dee could help?”

“Did someone say my name?” Dualla stood behind Kara. “Cally said she needed help with the com links.”

“I was doing the com links, not Cally,” the chief grumbled. “She shouldn’t have asked.”

“Calm down, Chief. Yeah, Dee, he needs your help,” Kara said as she climbed onto the wing and started examining the wiring.

“Chief, what the frak?” Racetrack yelled as she stalked into the building area. “Why is everyone over here working on this when there are repairs to be made? The com links are fried.”

“Drop it already, Racetrack,” Kara snapped. “Everyone needs repairs. There are specialists working on it- this is off duty. Here’s an idea, why don’t you help?”

“Who’s gonna fly this frakking thing?” Racetrack looked at the skeleton with distaste and then back up at Kara. “You?”

Kara hopped down from the wing and faced Racetrack. “As a matter of fact, yeah, I am. And I’m betting she flies great.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Lee interrupted.

“Hey, Cap, wanna help?” Starbuck grinned as Racetrack rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Not a chance. I hate to say it, but you've got the cockpit too far back. You're going to run into problems with maneuverability.”

“We’re not going for maneuverability, Captain, we're going for speed. Besides, you didn't think this thing would fly anyway.”

“Well it sure as hell won't with the cockpit rammed up its ass.” Dee rolled out from under the frame. “Dee!”

As Lee and Dee talked, Racetrack came back up to Kara. “He’s right, you know. The cockpit is gonna make this thing handle like it weighs as much as the whole battlestar.”

“What do you know about it, Racetrack? You’ve never flown a Viper.” Kara made no effort to hide her impatience.

“I did go to flight school. Just because I fly a Raptor now doesn’t mean I know nothing about Vipers.”

“See now, there’s where we differ. I think you’re just trying to kiss up to Apollo cause he’s the CAG.”

“Know what, Starbuck? Take your own advice and go to hell.”


To Be Continued


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