Singularity Application

Oct 30, 2010 14:15

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Buttercup
OOC Journal: culurien
Under 18? No
Email/IM: tmk2383
Characters Played at Singularity: Sarah Connor

Character Information ;
Name: Parker
Name of Canon: Leverage
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
Canon Point: Post-Season 3

Setting: Modern-day Earth (currently based in Boston, but travels worldwide). Parker is a member of the 'Leverage team,' a band of four criminals under the guidance of Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator. The team acts as a 'consulting firm,' assisting clients who have been taken advantage of by corrupt corporations or individuals. The Leverage team 'picks up where the law leaves off,' conning the bad guys in order to recoup money - or simply justice - for those who have been wronged and have no way of fighting back. Nate is the 'mastermind' of the team, and the one honest man who keeps the others in line. The other members are the best of the best in their chosen fields:

- Sophie Devereaux ('the grifter');
- Alec Hardison ('the hacker');
- Eliot Spencer ('the hitter');
- Parker ('the thief').

Together, they FIGHT CRIME! do crime: they devise and pull off cons to bring down the corrupt, in the process retrieving money or other stolen items and returning them to their clients.

Personality:"That's twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag." - Eliot Spencer

Parker's history (along with any other name she might have once had) is largely unknown. She was raised in foster care, and though few specifics are given, it is clear that she did not have a happy or stable childhood: she was a car thief at twelve years old, and was working as a getaway driver before that. At some point, she was picking pockets in New York when Archie Leach, "the world's greatest thief," spotted her and took her on as an apprentice. Parker enjoys the thrill of stealing, and seems to take it as a personal and professional challenge to go up against new or famously difficult security systems. She has no real interest in things - she loves money, not what it can buy. She seems to get an adrenaline rush from taking risks, and will do so impulsively, with little apparent understanding of why her coworkers are freaking out about nearly getting decapitated by an elevator or her tossing priceless sculptures across the room - you're not dead, are you? You caught it, right? So what's the problem?

As a result of her unorthodox childhood and the lack of socialization she received, Parker is not well adjusted to social situations - she's much more comfortable breaking into a bank vault than going to a party. It can be difficult to predict what she will say or do next. While never intentionally cruel, she can be blunt and amazingly oblivious to the effect her words have on people - for example, 'helping' a woman afraid of flying by pointing out that there are many other ways to die, and that 'death is around us every day.' However, she can also be kind and empathetic, especially with children.

She sometimes has trouble picking up social cues and expressing her emotions, especially reaching out to others or asking them for help. When she's on the job, she is completely focused on it, and is resistant to anything (such as other people's emotions, or immient danger of getting caught) getting between her and her goal. She tends to, for lack of a better word, squee over large amounts of cash, expensive pieces of artwork, or the prospect of going up against insanely high-tech security systems. She is very innocent and childlike in some ways, and especially struggles with sexual and romantic situations. (While Parker has no trouble grabbing her coworker Hardison and making out with him in order to preserve their cover during a con, she is first oblivious to his growing feelings towards her, and then unable to express her own reciprocation, either to herself or to him.)

Parker, however is (largely) able to function in normal society, and can even smile and act pleasant when the situation requires it. Whether she chooses to do so is a different story. Her job with the team involves a lot of acting in order to pull off the cons, and she's able to fill this role, though she'll often leave her team members facepalming in the process.

Abilities and Weaknesses: Excellent thief with encyclopedic knowledge of (Earth) security systems/safes/bank vaults, and how to defeat them
Expert pickpocket
Utterly fearless with amazing gymnastic/acrobatic skills and physical self-control - regularly crawls through air ducts and bungee jumps off of rooftops, and can do backflips through a web of motion sensors without setting them off.

Has trouble making friends or trusting others.
She is human, with no magical powers/supernatural abilities, etc, and has all the attendant vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Superstitious/gullible tendencies - it's pretty easy to make Parker believe what you want her to believe, especially if it's something farfetched or impossible to disprove, such as "I can control you with my mind" or "Eliot is the tooth fairy."
Inventory: When she arrives on Sacrosanct, she is wearing professional or street clothes as part of her disguise for her current job. She also has a bag with her all-black cat burglar outfit, and a taser (her weapon of choice). She wears an earbud that normally allows her to communicate with her team, though this will be useless unless one of her castmates arrives.
Appearance: Slight figure, long blonde hair, prefers clothes she can move in
Age: Mid to late twenties, exact age unknown

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample: Perfect.

The guards know she's here now. She isn't sure how she tripped the alarm - she'd turned off the motion sensor, fooled the heat sensor with the old bag of ice in front of the electric eye trick. And there's no one watching those cameras - by the time anyone saw the recordings and noticed anything amiss, she'd be long gone.

But somehow they'd caught on, and now they're prowling the building, heading her way. Probably armed with guns. Definitely more alert than any underpaid, undertrained night watchman has a right to be.

But she can see the target now, immaculate in its glass case. Parker slips the aerosol can from her bag and carefully sprays it in the air in front of her, illuminating the laser tripbeams. Not that it matters, now that they're on to her...but there's such a thing as professional pride.

She sticks the can into her bag and backs up a step, doing mental calculations at a mile a minute. And then she's moving, cartwheeling gracefully through the web of lasers, landing soft as a cat on all fours in front of the case.

She rises up slowly, eyes never leaving the statue, and smiles.


Now all she has to do is get it back home.

Network Sample: [The video feed swiches on suddenly to reveal a young woman, though she is staring into the distance, not looking at the screen. She appears to be talking to thin air.]



Are you guys there? Hardison? Sophie? Can you hear me?

[She waits for an answer, and looks grumpy when she doesn't get one. Irritable sigh.]

Well...I'm here, but I don't think this is the bank, and there's this thing on my wrist - [She glances at the wristband for the first time, and then her attention seems to be caught by something else in the junkyard.]

Ooooh, they stopped making those in the thirties!

[She slips forward, ducking falling debris easily and with apparent unconcern, to drop to her knees before a large safe, caressing it almost like a lover. Parker is now lost to the world. Good luck getting her attention.]
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