A bright shiny apple: Chicago in a week plus

Aug 02, 2006 00:05

So it's Wednesday, officially one week before my supposed move date. I have a dentist appointment at 9am, then I was supposed to leave. Plans have changed. My great friend Matt McGuire is on the Left Coast for one time and one time only..while I am. He'll fly in on the 9th, and I'll be staying an extra two days to hang out with him before my mad dash to Chicago where I will a) somehow find Leonie's house b) somehow find a place to live without my roommate--whom I have not personally met c) finish up all my lesson planning before our first faculty meeting.


Today was my second productive day in a row, and now all of my big projects have been catagorized and outlined on notecards. I'm now placing them out on my floor as a kind of story board to see which ones lead into the next. It's exhilerating to realize once again that I am in control of an entire cirriculum. Fearing judgement, I spent an entire summer stressing over the minute details--worrying that the faculty would judge. It was after the going away party--sputtering out the raw plans of my departure from Portland that it dawned on me that I've landed an incredible job and I've worked my ass off to get it. Of course I'm qualified, I just need to trust myself and as adele said "teach what I know". Sounds obvious..but you try and write an entire 14 week cirriculum from SCRATCH.

I find that the projects which mimic the style of modern artists such as Miro, Oldenberg and Nevelson are my favorites, for whatever reasons. Perhaps I feel that they've pioneered this particular form of creating and it's safe for me to embark. Whereas with other ones that I've sort of made up, I'm very nervous about. Makes sense, eh?
My favorite projects for next year that I've come up with thus far:
****Face Jugs: Sometimes known as “ugly or grotesque jugs” face jugs were thought to have begun in Edgefield county South Carolina. The potters who made them were African American slaves. Many historians believe there may have been a spiritual or ceremonial connection to the face jug for these potters. They were reintroduced in the 70's by white potters who were looking to subvert the mass production of ceramics by individualizing their functional wares. It'll be a riot, and we get to have the ever contentious craft vs. fine art (?) discussion, yeehaw!
****Sketching in the City: After learning the mechanics of Perspective my 8th grade art focus class will head down to the inner city to sketch buildings applying what they now know about horizon lines and vanishing points. I did an entire summer class at the PNCA on this very thing in 7th grade. It changed my life.
****Edible Color Wheels: Decorating cookies with dye-mixed frostings..eating the results.. classic.
****Oldenberg Sculptures: Students pick an object and "super-size it"..we learn about ratios, measuring instruments and a little physics/engineering...(the latter I won't be involved in)
****Zines: This will be one of two ways (the other is the posters for peace using Illustrator) I'm going to mold these uber wealthy impressionable minds by having them choose a topic they're most passionate about and conducting interviews, composing research and putting together a zine to mass produce for the school's viewing. They will use methods they've learned throughout the year as well as their own artwork. I'm looking into local printing presses and seeing if they have any willing employees who want to come in and do a demonstration/talk about this. Ahh, private schools and large budgets..

These are just a few of the many things I've been thinking about and planning. I can't believe I'm getting to do this for a job. Everything about the position, since I've destressed, is becoming more and more exciting. Nerves are now getting to me about other things: primarily the ultimate tournament this weekend. I haven't been able to eat much and getting sleep has been difficult since there are mice living in our walls (yes). I'm just hoping that if there is a confrontation with troy it is mature and easy...I can't believe I haven't talked to him since April..

It's getting late and I need to get up early tomorrow.
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