daemonmuses Medicine: The ScapeGoat.

Oct 14, 2008 10:26

Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existance.
-James Bryce

Truer words were never spoken.

The very existence of the Plague has forced Medicine into a profession that's practically required by most people. If you're not a GENtern, you're a SURgen and if you're not either one of those you're a Distributor or a Repo-Man or any of the other dozens of occupations related to the distribution of Medicial Care to the Masses.

Facing extinction, I think we accepted that there would have to be sacrificial lambs in both people and professions.

Imagine the streets, people lying on the ground-bodies stacked as tall as sky-scrapers. Daemons pale, ghostly even. We wanted to live and...so far we have done everything to ensure that we will.

Will we ever completely eliminate Medicine as a profession? No. Not by a long shot. The threat of mass extinction is never far away from our thoughts.

I suppose it is a sign of our inherent goodness that we keep trying however.

canon, comm: daemonmuses, nathan wallace

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