Jun 24, 2006 22:47
I have a friend from switzerland who has eating and depression problems. She confided in me right before I came home and I don't know how to help her. I think she confided in me because I was leaving. I know that she wants help because she sends me e-mails and sometimes they say a few vague things in them. I do not know any of her friends there so I cannot tell them what is happening with her and I wouldn't want to betray her trust. I am so bad at offering council over email and I have know idea what to say that could help, but I cannot stand to know and not try to help. any suggestions? please?
She is so much fun and so beautiful and I really want to help her see that.
I am really tired right now so I will be going to bed. I had a crazy day that started with an early day at work and have no energy left to go out. I have to wake up at 4:30 for work tomorow morning. grrrr. oh well. I really do like my job.