Bern; capitol of Switzerland with beautiful Canadian boy. Too bad he is gay.

May 16, 2006 20:35

I had the best time while I was in Bern. The first day I was a little worried about staying in a hostel since it was the first time. There was nothing for me to be worried about though. I had the best time.

While checking in I met Adrian from Victoria B.C. and a guy from Seattle whose name I don´t remember. We got to talking and once we were all settled, we (Adrian and I) both had a mutually urgent need for food. We walked around the city until we found a place with reasonablý priced food. We ate way too much ice cream which led to excess energy and a 2.5 hr search in the pouring rain for a good club. On our way out of the hostel another guy from Canada asked if he could come. He turned out to be the biggest sleaze ball so we ditched him at the first club. woops. But apparently things worked out just fine for him because I ran into him the next morning and he was so proud of himself ending up at some chicks appartment.

Word of advice to anyone who might be going to Bern. Their nightlife is shit. We went to every club in the city and in none of them were people dancing. Our search led us to a gay bar, in which there were all of 10 people and a creepy old man who started giving Adrian the "eye."

Next mornign we went to see the bears. They were so cute!afterwards we randomly walked up to a rose garden with an amazing view of the city. We talked to some of the locals and then went on our way.

Then we did what all the locals (under 6) were doing and roun through the fountain in the town square. It can´t get any better than that.

We saw so many more sights but it would take me hours to write them all, so I won´t bore you.

I had so much fun hanging out with him. We just clicked. After only about 2 hours we could talk about anything together. Our opinions matched but there were some differences so that it was not a monotonous conversation but one with different insights.

He is eighteen, almost nineteen, and is taking a year off before he starts uni. It is so interesting hearing other people stories about everything.

I also met and Australien man and a women from New Zealand. They are both traveling the world and have so many stories.

I think that at some point in my life I would really love to travel to Tibet, India, China, and all over Africa.

Another thing that I have been thinking I want to do is a semester or year abroad at Oxford or Cambridge. I realize that maybe it is unrealistic, but who knows? It could work.

I am now in Vienna. I saw the Shönbrun (sp?) palace and tomorow I will go see the Lippizzaners. Maybe if I have time I will take a day trip to Prague. They have daily tours that go there.

that´s all for now...
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