(no subject)

Jul 13, 2015 21:21

So, tomorrow, Harper Lee's much anticipated prequel/sequel/what-have-you (It's complicated.) to To Kill a Mockingbird is to be released.  Since it was announced, I've been on the fence about Go Set a Watchman.  For me, To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the very rare books that is perfect as is, so much so that I don't want it to be messed with, with prequels or sequels or what-have-yous. (I'm looking at you, Larry McMurtry, because Lonesome Dove is another one of those very rare books.)  To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books, and one of my favorite movies, and Atticus Finch is one of my heroes.  But, now, we're about to find out he was a racist, an anti-desegregationist, a friend of the KKK?  Wow.

In spite of my ambivalence, I did pre-order the book when it was announced.  Now I don't even want to read it.  I feel like a bait and switch was at play here.  "Yay, a new prequel/sequel/what-have-you (It's complicated.) to one of the most beloved books of all time, featuring one of the most beloved characters of all time, is coming out!"  ::months pass as dollars for pre-orders pour in::  "Oh, by the way, he's now a racist."

Once my copy comes, maybe I should put it in the freezer like Joey Tribbiani did with books that scared him, till he was mentally and emotionally prepared to pick them up again.  It's certainly not going on the shelf next to my two copies of To Kill a Mockingbird.  It's going to have to earn that spot, and...  I don't know if it can now. 


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