SCCeles. Wheee!

May 28, 2005 22:40

Like I promised. ^^() Behind the cut, of course.

Nico's First SCC Log
Game: Final Fantasy VI (Computer)
Character: Celes Chere
Started: 1/2/05

My first SCC ever! Wow! I'm really exicited! I've chosen Celes from FF6 because I know the game well, and Celes is one of my favariote characters, and a moderatly easy SCC'er, I've heard. I'm nervous, but I'm starting now, using all characters until I get Celes. Here I go!

-- Breezed through the opening. Those Magitek things are really strong, eh?
Oh, and Whelp was SOOO easy. Hheheh. I was thinking of what characters I'd be forced to use beside Celes, and I realised I would be using half the party still! Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Shadow, Strago, Relm, and possibly Setzer. ^^() Wow!

-- I've decided to keep characters that aren't permanent with caps for all letters of their names. It kinda annoys me, but it was my choice. I also picked up Locke. As long as I can use him I'm gonna steal things that can hopefully help Celes in her quest. Though, I'm not using the steal tactic until I get Edgar. Until then both Locke and Terra will stay in the front row. When I get Edgar I'll move them both back and allow Locke to steal and Terra to heal. I also need to decide which postion I'm gonna want Celes in...

--Got Edgar. Okay. Soon I'll get Celes. YAY!!!!

-- I'm about to fight Ultross for the first time. I've dequipped Terra's good equipment. As soon as I can choose my scenario, I must choose the Celes one, to actualyl START my damn game!

-- Bought full Tonics, and 10 Sleeping Bags. I'm on my way to pick up Celes now. I think I'm ready. ^_^

--GOT CELES!!! SCC STARTS! Celes inital stats:
Lv: 10 HP:217 MP:68
Vigor: 34
Mag.Power: 36
Battle Power: 26
Defense: 56
Evade: 7%
Mag.Def: 39
MBlock: 9%

Time to go! Eqiupped her in Terra's armor and with the relics Sprint Shoes and Genji Glove.

-- Got to Celes's first boss and was ANNHILATED!!! I'll need to level up some. I've also replaced the Sprint Shoes with Earrings. I need the magic boost. I may need to get rid of her Genji Glove for the boss, as she could use more defense. (The magic attacks take off 200, and her life is only 275)
I'll level her up tomorroe and hope I do well.


--Okay. Started really late tonight. Started to level Celes up. GAWD...I HATE LEVELING UP!! I have to deal with it though. Oh, and easy way to kill other party members is to have them attack themselves. Yay!
When Celes is out of the party I'm gonna have to deal with amjor underleveled-ness....damn.

--Got Celes up one level, to level 12. Not to shabby. The enemys on the world map aren't to hard. It's bascially I hit, they hit for weakness, I hit again. I'm off to fight the boss!!

--Damn being paralized! I hate not being able to move! Well...I realised that whilst when In the back Celes does around 50 damage, in the front she does 150. Wow. Big difference. But the same goes for the enemies, so I think I'll stick it out in the back for a LONG LONG time. ^_^

--Damn. Dead again. Well, I tried. His magic is too tough. I guess I HAVE to level now. Oh well. Celes put up a good fight. (If you call Runic, Heal, Runic, Heal, Antidote, Runic, Heal, Ice a good fight..)


-- Okay! I bumped Celes up a level. She is now level 14. I'll try the boss again. Wish me luck. (Damned Locke leveled up to. Ah well, he's still only level 10 now.)

-- Eek. I have something to do. I can't tackle the boss today. I can aim for tomorrow though. ^_^ (Coming S-chan!)


-- Heh...haven't been at it for awhile. Weeeeelll...I fought TunnelArmr AGAIN, and...WON!!! That's right! I WON!!!! All I did was Ice, Cure, Ice, Cure. I got lucky...really lucky. >.> I mean...damn. *breath of relief* I won with high life too. ^^ Yay!! I'll do Terra's scenario next, since, sadly, Sabin's is WAAAAYYYY long. *sniff* It'll be hard, and I'm gunna miss my Sabin-chan...

-- The Terra thing went off without a hitch (as expected). I ran as much as I could, yet Edgar STILL got a level .*grumble* Oh well. I edquppied their equipemtn, and began Sabin's journey...

-- Picked up Shadow. Waaaii....SabinShadow..*sniff* Ah well, I have to deal with it...even if I LOVE SHADOW!!...Yeah. I bought Shurkien so he can make the trip easier. Oh, and I luv his theme. ^_^

-- Okay, I'm pretty mad. I had a really hard time w/ the Sabin part. He died. And I had NO Fenix Downs. Now he's alive,with 9 tents to back my party up. Bad news? I went from 10000 GP to 3000. *sigh* Sorry Celes. Maybe I'll enough for you to get stuff when I see you again. Anyway...avoding battles can be tough. ^^() Here I come Doomtrain!

--Okay, Doomtrain was simple (Blitz, Sword Tech, and esp. Shurkien are GODLY). Did stuff, just got Gau. O(I luv the little guy.^_^) I can actually FIGHT on the Veldt, because you don't gain expirence here. ^_~
I may have to return here w/ Celes to get her spells up sometime. Anyway, I'm tired, and gonna stop here.
Not much more of the Sabin thing to go. Oh, and I'm only 3 hours into the game! Talk about speed run!! ^_^


-- Okay, finished Sabin's scenario. Am about to start the Narshe rescue sequence. It'll be tough, Celes vrs. ALL THOSE OTHER GROUPS!!! But I should be able to handle it....I hope.

--OMFG. I saw Celes special 1/16 chance death attack!!!! O.O!!!!!! It was agasint the guy right before Kefka. I went to do Ice, but instead she rushed forward and did "Spin Blade". She twirled around and instead of the high 200 damage (which is my damage high), she did 3000!!!!! OMG.

-- Failed agasint Kefka. Damn. He's tough. I onyl had 432 HP, and he took away 400 with Ice 2. Runic's pretty handy though. I'd hate to fight this battle with anyone else (say...Locke!?) So now I'm fighting ALL his goonies to get XP. I've gained two levels...which is good. Of COURSE, there HAS to be bad news.
I've used all my tinticures, and just used an Elixir to keep my MP....Lovely.

-- Got another level. ^______________^ Learned SCAN!!!! NOW I CAN SEE HOW MUCH HP KEFKA HAS!!! YAAAAYYY!!!!! BTW, I can live through Ice 2 now, I suspect. I'll fight more eneimies later.


--Grrrr. Even with Scan I don't do any better. (It can't probe Kefka.) Makes me soooo mad. >.< And Ice 2 did 500 damage. I hate my life.


--Annggeeerrr. ^.^ It went pretty well, for awhile. I Iced about three times, then cured twice, iced, cure x 2, ice, ect, ect. Eventually Drain would take nothing and his physicals missed! Then...he used Ice 2. I hate
that spell. >.<


--Heee! ^.^ Mwuahahahahahh! I did it! I DID IT!!! Kefka FELL!! MWUAHAHAHAHAH. He didn't even use Ice 2 once. Heh. Score one Celes, Score Zero dumb game. ^_~


--Mwuahahahah! I finnally have the FLAIL! Which means I can do the same (..more!) damage from the back row! HELL YEAH!!! SHANNARO! YIPPIE!! I AM SHO HAPPY!!!!!! Heh. ^_^ I have to move out to Figaro now. Heh. Here I go!

-- The enimies on the way to Figaro were INCREDIBLY easy. I laughed at them. HAH HAH HAH. ^^()()
Now, I've healed (MP), and am on my way to Kohligten. Oh, and the Flail is INCREDIBLE. Esepcially when paired with the Genji Glove and Black Belt. (Counter attacks + two weapons) ^_____^ Heee.

-- I completely destroyed the random battles. ^^ Heee. I also had some trouble *cough* finding Kohligten. But now I've reached Jidoor and bought this nice armor (White Dress) which raised my stats quite a bit. ^^ Now...On to Zozo! (Zozo is hard. O.o)

-- Yay! I gained a level! Celes is now level 20. ^^ Oh, and I reached Zozo.

-- Zozo's enimies aren't to tough, aside from the Magical Dancer. She's this bitch who does like....400 damage with Ice/Fire/Bolt 2. The slut. But her HP is low, so I can kill her pretty easily. ^_~ And I'm almost to the boss. Yayness.

--Gained another leeeveeeelll. ^^

-- Got to the next boss, Dadalum. He's not to tough, but he has two specific attacks that do 500-600 damage. Other than that he hits for 50 damage, summons weak minions (they die in one counterattack), and does this UBER healing of 'Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion, Safe'. Which, while annoying, is doable, as long as he dosen't throw junk. Ick. Okay, well, I'll try again soon. (BTW, after I beat him, I start getting...ESPERS!!!^_^)


-- Meh, it's been a long time, huh? Soon Schan will live with me, and have tons of new games with her, so I need to work on my SCC. (Nothing better to do anyway.)

Let's do it!!

Meh. For unknown reasons it's not working. Stupid emulator.

5/6/05- Alright....taking on the Zozo Boss again..

-Beat Dadalum! He actuallty wasn't very tough! 'Safe' negates physical attacks, which worked better w/ Me. (I had Genji Glove, and a back row weapon!). Also, Counterattack was my love! ^_^. I did get nervous a few times, and his throwing ability was rather harsh, But I pulled through!...Now...TO GET ESPERS!!!!

- Espers:
Ramuh- Bolt, Bolt2, Posion. Stamia +1 at level up. Not bad.
Kirin- Cure, Cure2, Regen, Andot, Scan. I know Cure, Andot, and Scan...I don't think I'll need this one yet.
Siren- Sleep, Mute, Slow, Fire. Hp+10 at level up. She may be the best, as all the spells go up quickly, and HP is just what the doctor ordered!
Stray- Float, Muddle. And Mag Power up by 1 every level.

I'm defintally using Siren for now...

- Locke was forced into the party. We're gunna be heading to Jidoor, and then, the Opera House, where I'll loose Celes for a boss.

- I got a good idea....I equipped Kirin as I fought, so I could raise Cure2 and Regen up. (Cure2 is X 1)
Then, as my level approached, I changed to Siren! Siren's spells come at the higest levels, I believe, and I got my HP+10! I now have OVER 1000 HP!! Yes!! ^______^ I'll probablly keep that up until I learn Kirin/Siren. Then I'll change to Stray, and Ramuh, and occasionally level up under them, at least....until I get more Espers...^.^ (I need to be wise in my Esper time now, soon I'll loose Celes and she'll miss tons of vital Esper time.)

- Stopped at Jidoor, and stocked up a little. I have quite a bit of gold too. ^^ I bought some Tinticures, because I need my MP up! ^^() Heheh. Really....that was all. Now I'm off too...THE OPERA HOUSE! ^.^
(The party I use when Celes leaves in the Opera House, will probablly also be the party I use when she's left the party, for as long as I can choose.)

-....I'm lost....*sheepish smile* Noteworthy: I gained a level! ^_^

-I have reached level 25! ^^ Go Celes! It's your b-day! Heheh.....Uh....I also used Ramuh for my level this time. Next time, I'll use Stray....Sadly though, I reached the Opera House and realised that I need two more party members to beat my low-leveled (dead) Locke can't do it alone..^^() Backtracking time!

- Returned to Narshe, and since, for some reason, Locke wouldn't die, he gained a level, though I don't really mind. I choose to take Edgar, because his tools rock, and he's a VERY solid character, and Sabin because Blitz owns. The brothers are both Lv.11, w/ Locke at Lv.12. ^^()() Celes, also learned Regen. Yay!

- I forgot that bringing Sabin and Edgar to Figaro gave you a scene. So. Freakin. Kawaii. I <3 Sabin/Edgar!! ^_^

- I HATE the low-leveled party. >.> Well, finally at the Empire's Contient with Celes back, after struggling w/ the guys. Heh.....

- The Magitek Factory isn't so hard right now....but I'm trying to learn 'Fire' so I can beat Shiva easily. I found a Flame Sabre, so that's good. Oh! And Celes reached Lv.26, which means she learnt Ice 2! Wonderful!! ^_^

-- Ice2 is my HERO. I need to watch Celes MP though...OH! I almost forgot...I finally got rid of my "Physical" set up, for Two Earrings. heh.....Magic rules. ^^()
I'm done with Siren now, as I've learned all her Magic's. I'll only use her for HP ups until I find someone better.

-- I found the Gold Shield, and it's wonderful! I love the defense! ^_^

-I've got the Flame Sabre Equipped to take care of Shiva. I have ICE2 to take care of Ifirt. I gained another level quickly (It's not hard at all here!), and +Mag Power 1 again. I am now ready! ^_^

-O.O. Ifirt appeard, and Celes blasted him with Ice2, doing 4000 damage, making Shiva appear, and ending the battle. Wow. Heh.

- Ifirit' He's got Fire2 and Drain. Fire2=good. He also does Vigor+1 every level up. But Vigor isn't super good or anything...
SHIVA, on the other hand, knows RASP AND OSMOES. I.Am.Going.To.Cry.

- Woah! I ran into a boss I forgot even existsed! Number 024! He was easy, at first. I Ice2'd him, and he was almost dead! Then, the bitch, changed the elemental weakness he had! Then it was five minuets of being mad, until like an idiot, he scanned himself. I blasted him with his weakness (Lighting), and did 1000 damage. O.o. So pathetic.

- I've reached my stalemate. Celes has finally left. Now, I'll play the game normally until I get her back. (I will have to use Locke, Sabin, Edgar, Setzer, Terra, Strago, Shadow, and Relm in that time.) The bad thing....My characters ALL suck. Locke, Sabin, and Edgar are under level 13, when Celes was level 28.
Also, they know almost NO magic, so they need to learn it....and two hard bosses are coming up, with no time to train in between...oh dear...


- It took few tries, but I ended up with a good straetgey agasint the boss. Locke, who learned Cure right before the battle, healed the entire party as Edgar did Bio Blaster. Sabin used Bismark, the esper, attacked (occasionally) and used potions. It worked! Now....another boss coming up, but for this battle, I'll have Setzer...

-Beat the Cranes on the 6th try. They were hard! I <3 Setzer. Well, since my party SUCKS, i needed stragety. Locke used Kirin (Regen All), Sabin used Ramuh (Lighting on all, But Bismarkj-water- woulda been better.), Edgar used Carbuncle (Reflect) Then, everyone gave potions as they could, AS FOR Setzer, I used his slots and did this:
Turn 1: H-Bomb (Rare)
Turn 2: Chocobop
Turn 3: Royal Flush

NO 'Mugu Mugu'! Thanks to Setzer I won! YAY! ^.^

- I've decided my main party will be Terra, Locke, Edgar, and Sabin. The reason being that Edgar and Sabin know more magic, and I'm not allowed to train, so..... As for the other two, aside from the fact Terra rocks, and I can LEGALLY steal w/ Locke until Celes comes back, I'll be required to use them later w/ Shadow, Relm and Strago. Got everyone ready, everyone's around level 13. ^^
(Meh; I have no clue on what relics are good for Edgar....I wish S-chan was here to help. *sniff*)

- After over an hour of difficulty in the Sealed Cave, I've reached the end. None of the characters are over level 15 yet, and it's REALLY HARD. People keep dying....>.> Well, I'm tired! I've accomplished a lot today!


-- Alright! Ready to finish this cave. ^_^ (My god, I need Celes back!)

-- Finished the Sealed Cave events.

-- The dinner stuff takes awhile.... I love Leo...he's so cool and sexy and....Leo. ^^ His name rocks too. "Leo" ^_^_^_^ Now Sabin and Edgar have left me, and I shall never use them again...O.o.

Locke, Terra.....And soon Shadow-san, Strago and Relm-chan...let's do this!

-- Saw some Celes scenes, but it's okay that I can't use her, since I can use teh sex= Shadow. ^^. Like everyone else, I'll try to get him to learn Basic Magic (Fire, Ice, Bolt, Cure) Before he leaves.

-- I'm at the 10 hours mark.....I don't think anyone else has gotten this lost on the way to Thamasa...>.>

-- Shadow left, and I got Strago. The Fire Boss, Flaming Eye was Hella hard. It angered me. I had to refight it maybe ten times! Shadow's theme, on the other hand, is teh sex. Kinda like Auron's but not...>.>


-- Onto the Mountain of Random Stuffs! Once I clear the mountain, I believe I get Celes back, permantly setting my game in motion.

-- Ultros was pretty annoying.....But I got Relm. ^^ She's so cute and sweet.

-- Leo as 61 MBlock...Wow. Anyway, I saw some slliigghhtt Leo/Locke hints. Heh. Now.....Leo has to die. *(sniff(

-- Leo.....waaaahhhhh

-- Celes is back! Now my SCC has restarted permanently!


-- GRRR!!! The air boss before the Floating Cont. Is too hard!! There's NO where to level up either! Damint....There's three of them, each with an attack that does 100, and one that can do 500! Damn! Damn! Damn! They all move before Celes too!

-- I found out I *CAN* train..^^() I don't have to go to the Floating Cont. Right away...Heh. I went to the Veldt and finished learning Shiva for Osmose. Now I'm working on Maduin, to learn Fire and Bolt2.

-- Got the Gold Hairpin (Reduces MP consumption by half!). I also found some other cool things, like the Cure Ring (Casts Regen) and tons of money. I'm gunna try to get to the continent again.

-- I have to fight tons on Megitek's before the battles w/ Ultross and Chupon (Then the evil flying thingy)
I've learned that elemtantl weakness is GOOD! I love the thunder sabre. ^^ Heee. ^^)

-- The thing was EASY! I only had to Bolt2 three times. ^_^ Now I have Shadow (again), but can't use him....I <3 Shadow.

I remember the Floating Cont. being hella hard....*gulp*

-- Not that bad....I've gotten to Lv. 36. The battles here give TONS of XP and Magic Points! I've learned tons of spells! (Like Cure 2!)
I'm almost to the end of the Contienent, but it's been an hour, and I need a break.


-- Looked around a bit and avoided most battles, and found the next boss...Atama Weapon. *gulp* Here I go! GO CELES!

-O.O Atma has TONS of HP, MP and stuff....and he casted Doom on me! O.o Waaaahhh.

- "I am Atma Weapon....I am pure energy and have lived in the cosmos. Little ones, GO!"
Pure energy?...Mp...?....

- Booyaka!! Firstly I put on a Wall Ring, because Atma's Spells were strong! Then I healed with potions and 'rasped' him, whisping away his Mp, and ultimately killing him! GO ME! It was pretty easy, except I got cautious and used one of my rare X-Potions....ah well. Shadow just left the party, and my other two members (Strago and Relm) gained one hp, bringing them to life.

....I'm almost done with the World of Balance.


-- WOR started. Wheee! ^-^ Now it's just Celes again, not that I mind.

A lot, I know. ^^

I don't anyone will even READ it, but I don't mind. This is kinda for me anyway. ^_^

celes scc, final fantasy 6

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