In which Aveline's expression perfectly catures my own

Oct 22, 2015 10:17

Monday brought two things with it: The beginning of a new diet and overwhelming fatigue.

The diet is pretty much just counting my calories using Cronometer, an app that Joe has come to love. He’s been using it for roughly a little over a month and has lost an astonishing twelve pounds. I’m both proud and impressed with him, as it’s always been very difficult for him to lose weight. When we went on Weight Watchers together he lost a single pound to my forty, which I know left him extremely frustrated with the entire situation.

But he picked this up on his own as it doesn’t limit what you can eat, so much as it is about making smart choices. And as my shirts become too tight, my pants can’t button, and I couldn’t shake the sense of depression looking in the mirror I decided it was time to finally buckle down and join him.

A few months ago I was 190 pounds. At 6’1 that’s not terrible, I very comfortably fit into a medium, and though I wanted to drop another twenty pounds or so I was pretty happy at being the smallest I’ve been since Joe and I started dating. Now I’m around 210 which is unacceptable to me. What really gets me is that the only reason I am fat is because I’m lazy. I don’t want to exercise, and I don’t want to budget my food but I do want to sit around and mope because I’ve got crazy muffin top. What’s funny is that such behavior is so not me. I can’t stand moping about things. I’d rather change the things I can, and this is very much something I can have control over.

So I’m not yet into the exercise swing of things, but I’ve been keeping just beneath the calorie limit the app tells me will help me lose a pound a week. (it’s around 1,800 for the curious) so I’m wanting to keep up with it and hope I see some results. I may even start doing some light jogging. I have some free weights at home that are hella-heavy so I may start playing with those too.

Of course my diet started right as exhaustion randomly settled over me on Monday. I could barely keep my eyes open or form words, and let me assure you that work was hell. On Tuesday I traded in some of that exhaustion for chills, hot/cold, really sore throat…and still plenty of exhaustion! I slept as soon as I got home, woke up at 7:30 so we could make the movie we had planned (Goodnight Mommy) and then went to bed again as soon as we returned. Yesterday I felt a little better but still very much ugh, and today I’m continuing the trend of recovery(?) but my throat is still sore, I can’t shake this fatigue, and I’m tired out just walking into the breakroom to refill my water bottle.

I think it may be allergies (despite my lack of congestion), and so I have not yet gone to the doctor for reasons equaling: No time + not paid until today + only 9 hours of PTO = nope

If I get a lot worse then I’ll go in. But I need to get a physical and I’ll need a little time for that, so I’d prefer to keep as much time as I can.

So that’s been my week. I have been working on the next part of Women of Arkham, and yesterday I had some hot cinnamon tea and did some (not so great) work on The Black Witch. Originally I thought I had two chapters + epilogue, but this penultimate chapter started to run a little long, so I’ve decided to split up the “final dungeon” (as it is) into two chapters, with the climax chapter being the Big Bad confrontation. My goal for this weekend is to rewrite and edit the chapter into something I’m happy with.

Oh, and before I forget, I got to sit down and watch a little Attack on Titan last night. I’m somewhere near episode seven or eight, I think. Lots of great twists thus far, though certain things (like Hanna and her boyfriend) were really obvious haha. I’m still really digging Eren, and I’m finding myself very fond of Mikasa too. The last two episodes had some really great focus on her and she’s at the top of my list as of now.

Oh, but the subtitles randomly switched font in episode seven and referred to Jean (whom I also like thus far) as ‘John’ and Conny as ‘Connie’. I’m a little concerned about subtitle quality now, especially when they can’t keep the character’s names straight. (I’d watch on Hulu, though I don’t know if the trans is any better and I would rather watch without commercials, but…) Has anyone else watch AoT on Netflix and had the same issue?

writing, real life, original fiction: the black witch, sickness, attack on titan, joe, weight

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