Aug 29, 2015 10:07
Was offered overtime working in one of the branches today and I accepted because ~money~, despite my usual default of ~laziness~. Lucky for me, it's not too crazy at this location so I'm hopefully going to have a relatively chill experience. It helps the schedule is only for six hours, and not the regular eight. (Technically it's set for like five hours, forty five minutes so I can leave early and also not have to take a lunch. I can dig it)
Work has really been the big thing in my life lately. I've made next to no progress on my writing as my usual partner/editor/cheerleader has been occupied with family things the last two weeks, and in the afternoons I've been too worn out from early work days. I intend to rectify this problem tonight with a little assistance from All The Caffeine...and perhaps a nap when I get home.
I have been making a little progress in Tales of Vesperia. Nothing crazy, but I've gotten another hour or two in since last Monday. I find that when I play in sporadic hour length bursts I have a much harder time remembering the plot and what I was doing when I return to it. Maybe playing for a longer time anchors more into my brain? I dunno.
Yuri continues to be amazing, as does Raven and Judith. And Rita. Repede. Yeah, everyone. In terms of gameplay, now that Rita has learned a few physical artes (I still want to call them techs from my old Symphonia days) she's more fun to play as. The fact that the current weapon I have for her is a kendama made me so happy I can't even.
Did I ever tell you guys that the only group RP thing I ever did (outside of my one RP partner who I played with for years) was a Symphonia group, and I played Genis? I was actually recruited by an acquaintance of mine who played Mithos and really wanted a Genis for the group. I actually RP'ed Genis (along with a few others) with my RP partner so I was already really familiar with him. The more you know~
Karol is also becoming more tolerable to play. His charge skills are handy, and Add Combo is mandatory to using him. I have 'Hard Hit' or whatever, but it seems far less useful in this title. (I make 'Hard Hit' mandatory in my Symphonia Sheena builds)I only hope there's a Glory-esque skill because Karol really needs it.
Is it just me, or are the bosses in Vesperia kind of tough? I had a rough time with that random reskin of Abyss' Liger Queen, and then the weird Bat thing in that cave gave me a lot of trouble too. I feel like I take a lot of damage, like my entire party is a grouping of glass cannons. I've been pretty diligent at keeping my equipment set-up...I dunno. I may be under leveled.
*For the curious, I am currently in the desert at level 34-ish.
What was I even talking about...?
Just waiting to go home, I suppose. Three hours remaining. Bada-bum.
So what games is everyone playing? I'm mainly playing with Vesperia (duh) while also picking up Arkham Knight to play around with the new DLC when it comes out (can't wait for the Nightwing story DLC! He's the character the Arkhamverse has treated with the least respect. He needs some love) and, of course, every now and then I kick up Awakening or Dissidia...depending on which game I feel like playing during my lunch breaks.
first south,
real life,
tales of symphonia,
tales of the abyss,
fire emblem awakening,
tales of vesperia