Utena Meme stolen from Raphi

Aug 30, 2011 23:29

With the two sexy boxsets sitting on my shelf and staring at me (No, I haven't watched them yet. I want Joe to *experience* it with me.)

1. Favorite female character and why:

I'm gonna be boring and say Juri. She's strong, she's tough, she's twisted. I just think her story line was done really well, and I love her design, esp in the movie.

2. Favorite male character and why:

This is pretty tough, but I think I'll go with Akio. Touga is a close second, but Akio is perhaps one of the most amazing chess masters I have ever seen.

3. Favorite duel song:
'Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery'. Epic.

4. Favorite saga (Student Council, Black Rose Saga, Akio, Apocalypse):

Even though it's really short, I'll have to say Apocalypse. It has the most epic moments, though Akio comes as a close second.

5. Favorite Pairing and why:

Utena/Anthy. I think they better one another greatly, and I while I can't see their relationship as "fairytale perfect", I still don't think they could live without one another. They are, as far as I am concerned, soul-mates.

6. Most memorable scene:

A number! But the first would probably be the opening song where Utena and Anthy are reaching for one another and their hands are broken apart, or the second to last episode where Anthy stabs Utena in the back. ('SHOMETSU!' "Himemiya...why?") And the begining of the second episode and the chilling "You could never be my prince...because you're a girl."

7. Favorite version (Manga, anime, movie, adolescence manga):

Anime. Easily. Movie is good, but the manga is kinda meh.

8. Favorite Black Rose Duelist and why:

Shiori. One of my favorite characters. I really don't agree with the whole "she is irredeemable". She is an awful person, yes, but her suffering is self-inflicted, so she pretty much gets her just rewards during the series. (Whether she has changed after the 'revolution' is a subject for debate.)

9. Favorite outfit:

Tough! Really tough...Maybe Movie!Togua's duelist uniform? It's awesome!

10. Which character(s) do you feel represents you best and why:

Another tough one! This one is too much for me heh.

11. Which female character do you dislike the most and why:

Kanae's mom. No, seriously. Heh. If she doesn't count, then...that teacher from Episode 1. :D

12. Which male character do you dislike the most and why:

It's tough when you don't dislike any of the characters, really. I guess the trio of nerdy dudes who are in love with "Miss Nanami".

13. If you could enroll into Ohtori Academy, which fellow student would you find yourself crushing on?

Probably none (the guys are totally not my type), though I can see myself becoming good friends with Utena, Wakaba, and Miki.

14. Which cast do you prefer? Japanese or English?

I am going to be the weirdo and say English.

15. What is your favorite Utena merchandise you own? And/Or which merchandise do you really want to have?

My new box sets :) (to be fair, All I have are all the Central Park Media DVDs and these new box sets)

16. Who are your favorite voice actors in the show?

Lisa Ortiz and Leah Applebaum, though I'm not a particularly big fan of any of their other roles, do amazing here. Akio and Touga (Crispin Freeman!) aren't half bad either ;)

17. Post your favorite official artwork picture

Unfair. Utena probably has my favorite official art of everything ever. There's no way I can pick just one (or twenty.)

18. Post your favorite fanart picture:

For shame, but...I don't have one :(

19. Favorite Student Council member:

Juri, for reasons explained above. If she doesn't count, then Touga.

20. If you had the rose signet and can duel for the rose bride, what would your wish be? What color would your rose be? What kind of sword would you use? Which duel song would you want yours to be? Or would you be a black rose duelist Etc. Have fun with this one.

I'd probably wish for the freedom to live without the oppression of money (lol lame),and to free Anthy. Unless I was all Dark!Nico with a black rose ring. I'd prefer a fencing sword. Or a light saber. Insta-win.

21. Favorite duel (not necessarily the song):

The duel called 'Revolution'. (And if that is unfair, I really dig both of Juri's duels, Ruka's duel, and Touga's second duel in the Student Council arc)

22. What is your favorite filler episode?

Curried High Trip. I've seen it more than all the other episodes. Heh. Cowbell of Happiness comes close though.

23. Favorite minor character?

Kanae. I really liked her. She is one of the few characters who we don't get to see affected by "revolution"

24. Any moments in Utena that made you cry or really sad? Which episode(s) or scenes?

Teared up when Anthy betrayed Utena, teared up when Juri cried in the rain (anguish!), and teared up at the end of Mikage's duel...to name a few.

25. To get to the outside world, you must turn into a car! What kind of car would you be?

A smart-car. Heh...did you think you were the only person with the power to turn into a car? Well, now I'm a car too!

26. Have you cosplayed Utena? If so post a picture. If not, who would you want to be and which outfit?

No...I don't really have the body type. (Utena Characters = Pencil thin. Nico= Fat as Nanami!Cow) Though, if I was to lose some weight, I'd pull a Touga, or Ruka, or Mikage.

27. Favorite shadow girl team? (A-ko and B-ko is season 1, C-ko is season 2)

Either or.

28. Favorite episode:

Second the last. And the last. And "Unfilfilled Juri". And "For Friendship, Perhaps". And "Boys of the Black Rose". And "Thorns of Death" And...

29. When and how did you get into Utena and which version did you experience first?

There was this cool website dedicated to Bulma from DBZ (Aptly named "Bulma!") that had 'Rinbu Revolution' as the background midi. I loved the song as a kid and listened to it constantly until I finally looked it up. This is back when fansites were the thing.

30. Did Revolutionary Girl Utena make a great impact on your life somehow? If so, how? Or/And what is your favorite aspect about Utena?

Loaded question. Easy answer? Yes, it means a lot. It, along with Eva, were the two anime I really "got" as a teenager/preteen, and they helped me grow a lot. Which is weeabo, but what have you.

utena, meme

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