Search for pleasure, search for pain in this world now I am undying

Jun 16, 2011 03:11


-Joe got at job at Target. This is very good. His orientation is tomorrow.

-Yesterday Joe had a fever of 103. We went to the Minor Med, and I forced him to take some Ibuprofen. He is doing much better today.

-Power Play is going well. The future of the business is somewhat murky, seeing as how the owners are divorcing and both want the business. If things can become stable/get steady they are interested in putting me on closer to full-time, something I can totally dig.

-PP is enjoyable. I haven't had to go "rock out" in awhile, thank you heat, so I've managed to be pretty productive in the meanwhile.

-Finished Chapter 3 of my original 'Phoenix' novel and gave it to the Bex for editing. Also finished editing her personal novel.

-Been playing lotsa Mass Effect, more below.

-Lots of good games are coming out. Ieeeee!!

-Watched Scream 2 the other night. I used to hate that movie as a kid. It would come on every weekend on STARS (almost typed "S.T.A.R.S"...opps!), but now that it's been years since I've seen it I actually liked it a lot. Best line ever goes to Sidney Prescott when she is talking to the murderer and reminding him of Billy Loomis, the murderer from the first film:

Sidney: You forgot about what happened to Billy Loomis.


Sidney: I fucking killed him! *attacks*

I need to see Scream 4.

-Saw A Tale of Two Sisters. Very interesting movie, though I didn't pay as much attention as I should have. I def will be giving it a rewatch soon, though.

And now, ladies and gentleman, I bring you...Mass Effect!

The new icon I made, featuring Kaidan and M!Shep, who I wish I could pair up, is appropriate.

Went through Virmire (heh heh), which is awesome. When confronted with the choice I sacrificed Ashley. Not because I hate her or anything, far from it, but I have a soft spot for M!Shep/Kaidan, and so I am hoping for possible romance in the third game.

Don't judge me. (But now you see why appropriate icon is appropriate, right? :D)

Anways, saved Kaidan. Oh, yeah, and Wrex. I handled the situation with all the charm a Paragon Alliance soldier would. Wrex was more than happy to return to my group with little complaint.

I still love all the characters, and Ashley's death was pretty sad. :/ I finished with Virmire, and Captain Anderson (Keith David! *melts*) ended up using Udina's console to free the Normandy from lock down. Because he is a badass.

I think I'm pretty much at the final stretch of the game. I am on the Citadel as it being attacked. This game, while the main storyline is somewhat short, if pretty damned awesome. I just remembered that I need to download the DLC before I beat the game. Huh. I dunno...I think the Citadel is the last dungeon LOL. Hmmmm.

Oh! Battle! So my pistol has become ridiculous. Not only is it an awesome make, and I have awesome equips for it (including one that does ridiculous poison damage), but it's accurate with lots of shots. I know everyone seems to have their own style of playing (virmire's prefers AR with massive doses of Singularity, and this guy at PP today mentioned how he is obsessed with tech abilities and the Sniper Rifle) I seem to be a pistol/biotics guy. Lift and Throw are two of my most used abilities (I've gotten the achievement for using Throw a buncha times, trying to work on Lift now.), but I think, aside from Adrenaline or Unity, (and possibly Shield Restore) my best ability above all is Marksman. It is so overpowered.. At max level I am getting off like twenty five shots, with only five or six needed to kill a Geth Juggarnaut (Geth Snipers and Ghosts go down in two!). It's fast,'s amazing.

I love my pistol <3

I use the Shotgun occasionally. It can usually instantly kill enemies when I'm close enough, but I prefer sniping the enemies from far away, and by the time they've reached me they are either usually almost dead thanks to my crew, or I will Lift/Throw them out of my way.

Party Members:

Kaidan- Still awesome. Want to know more about him. Quite useful, I almost never have enemies on me when he's around thanks to his awesome biotics. And he's cute.

Ashley- :((((

Liara- Talk about amazing! Liara was one of my weaker squad members the last time I posted, but, as per hearing virmire talking about it, I poured points into her Singularity. She is a friggin BEAST. That ability alone decimates the field, and makes it much easier to proceed. She goes down pretty quickly, but lately nothing can even reach her! I guess dumping her made her take a level in badass?

Wrex- I am liking him more and more. He's such a cool character, I expected him to be my least favorite. I was very wrong. In battle he is ridiculously awesome, and my best physical warrior since Ashley is now gone. All his weapons are OP, and he hasn't died in a long time.

Garrus- Still awesome, I want more scenes with him. He is still awesome in battle, able to do everything I could need.

Tali- Easily my physically weakest, but she has proved invaluable against the Geth enemies. Seriously, with her in the party it really weakens the enemies around us thanks to her controlling abilities. Oh, and she's cool.

So yeah. :D I change out constantly, with my current party being Garrus and Kaidan. Because they are probably my favorites.

And that's about it. I'm sleepy now. I need to finish Dragon Age Awakening one of these days too...

powerplay, work, real life, novel, mass effect, friends, joe, movies

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