Oct 06, 2010 02:08
Day 09- Saddest Game Scene
So many tragic scenes! I have quite a few favorites, listed below:
Dragon Age: Origins- So many tragic scenes, and I’ve only made it through the game once! My favorite would probably be the entirety of the Human Noble Origin, especially the end with Teryna Eleanor and Teryn Bryce. Heartbreaking T_T
Final Fantasy X- The final scene always gets me every time. Yuna rushing towards the fading Tidus, only to go through him is heart breaking. The things that go unsaid, her confession of love, and when he tries to hold her…it always brings tears to my eyes. A very touching ending, if not bittersweet.
Lost Odyssey- The scene at the end of Disc 1 was especially poignant, even if it dealt with Phil and Lil Cooke and Mack. The funeral procession was beautiful and heart breaking, and this was one of the few scenes that didn’t make me want to punt the twins.
Zelda: Twilight Princess- This game, amazingly, had quite a few. My absolute favorite though was at the end, when Midna wished Link and Zelda goodbye. Her expression, her body language…everything was so perfect. All the things she couldn’t say, and then when she destroyed the portal…T_T
Persona 3: The Answer- The Persona series had a ton of scenes that fit the bill, but one in particular that always got me was when Aigis and Metis defeat Yukari and Mitsuru in the tournament. Yukari’s breakdown is epic and very painful to watch (in a good way). It helps that Yukari has an absolutely amazing voice actress too.
I’ll leave it at that. I had plenty more that I could’ve fit (ALL of Digital Devil Saga 2, multiple ‘Tales of…’games, ect) but I think this list covers some of the examples well enough.
I am really bad at picking favorites, and I know that tomorrow’s question is going to be another wishy-washy one.
persona 3,
dragon age origins,
lost odyssey,
final fantasy 10