Hmm...Frank West is hot. :DD
So Frank is both hot/cute and has a really cool personality. I warmed up to him instantly. I was caught off guard with the opening too! Seeing all those people die at the beginning made me so sad. :(
Reuniting Natalie and her husband made me smile though. So sweet. :D The lamest thing ever though is the freaking text. Since I don't have the luxury of playing on a 55" HDTV I have run into this problem with most of the new gen games. (Especially in this, Lost Odyssey and FF13) It's really hard to read the text. And it's annoying that when you talk to people you can't hit 'A' toi make the conversation move on. It does it by itself and I don't like that. Usually I have no problem keeping up with a game that does that, but in this game, where I can barely read what they're saying....yeaaahh.
Anyways, minor gripes aside, the game is really fun. (I love running through a crowd of zombies with a chainsaw. Eee!) The graphics are pretty nice, and I like all the characters I've met so far. I found Brent and Aaron, whom I swear are homosexual lovers. Why do I swear that? Well, aside from seeing the world in slash tinted glasses it's just my current pet theory. Brent and Aaron barricaded themselves in a ladies clothes store, and then Brent takes up a bat to protect himself and his more fearful boyfriend. Annndd...that's about it. But for some reason it makes me want fic. (Actually I wanna write fic about all the survivors so far LOL IT'S SO WEIRD)
Also met Leah, and she made me :(((. I feel so bad about her baby. I don't mind carrying her around either, actually, I think it's kinda interesting and realistic. Obviously she's going to have trouble walking around when she just witnessed the gruesome murder of her child. It's really tragic.
So my first PT I managed to get to where those guys were, but ended up being mauled by zombies. My second PT I did much better. I managed to get all three survivors. We were running and running, and for awhile there I thought we were all goners. It's really cool, and extremely thrilling, trying to keep yourself and the others alive. I really felt so bad for the others too. : (
Eventually Aaron was mauled by zombies (And Brent then began to beat the hell out of them with the bat. FIC WANT NOW) As I carried Leah, with Brent right behind (God know where Brad went. He seems to have disappeared of the face of the...mall...) I got into a scene with three crazyass convicts. They attacked this couple (In a really horrific and sad scene, and then I met Simone. I tried to save her, but ended up getting totally run over by the convicts jeep when I was trying to protect Leah. :(
Oh! I also met Kent. He's very...odd. Kinda cute, kinda annoying. I had a real hard time figuring out what pictures he wanted me to take at first, but on my 3rd PT I kinda got it. For some reason I think there should be Frank/Kent fic.
I am a sad sad person.
Anyways, I'm on my 3rd PT and I just did the Kent stuff and got into the part of the mall with Brent/Aaron/Leah again. I didn't realize I could save in the little Fitness Center place. So I did. This game is really cool, and I'm glad I'm playing it. It's kinda hard to know exactly what to do, so I'm just going with the flow and seeing what happens. (Oh yeah, and Jessica is really cool too. <33)
I love that you can change Frank's clothes. Currently I've got him in a sexy track-runner's getup (complete with really tight shorts) and some really cool glasses. Fannnserrrivvviccee <33