Profile meme

Oct 29, 2008 17:46

[Character Name] Mutsumi Saburo. Also known as '623'.
[Canon] Keroro Gunso

[Age] 16? Maybe? it's not clear.
[Gender] Male.
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero. And a huge perv. >.>

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Silver/gray
[Height] ...No idea.
[Other] Noooot really.
[Clothing] Uh. See icons? It changes a lot. Normal teenager clothes.

[Background] Most of Saburo's background is, at this point, unknown. However, due to his intelligence, he was an outcast at school and had few friends. He did, however, have fangirls- lots of them, both at school and more generally due to his status as the infamous radio personality '623'.

Everything changed, however, when he came into contact with Kururu, a frog-like alien creature from the planet Keron. Marooned on Earth, Kururu recognized Saburo's skills, and they teamed up- Saburo helped him find his platoon-mates in exchange for a magical pen that brings his drawings to life. No, really. More on this later.

After this, Saburo kept in contact with Kururu, and occasionally helps out the other characters when they need it. Mostly, he continues on with his radio program.

Saburo is currently a high school student, but he never shows up. His attendance record is absolutely horrible. Sometimes he can be found selling his drawings in the park.

[Personality] Mutsumi is your typical 'artsy' type person- he's laid back most of the time, doesn't tend to get riled up by things, and tends to look at things through a mystical world-view. He's also a gigantic pervert, though it appears that he never takes advantage of his fangirls. While not being exactly stuck-up, he's well-aware that he's famous, and assumes that everyone else is too- at one point he offered a girl an autograph out of the blue when she approached him (even though she turned out to be a mugger. Smooth move, there, Saburo.)

While Saburo isn't inclined to seek out friendships, he does seem to be more or less dependable if you really need him to be, and he always comes through for Kururu, at the very least.

One should note, however, that Saburo removes himself- either consciously or unconsciously -from humanity at large. His teachers have commented that he doesn't seem to be of this world (which may be forshadowing for something) and due to his extremely high intelligence- an I.Q. of 300 -most people find him hard to be around.

[Specialties/Abilities] Aforesaid magical pen is one thing out of the ordinary, obviously. The things it can create range from the large- the illusion of a fissure in the Earth, for examle- to miniscule things like a single sheet of paper used as a defense mechanism. As long as he has enough paper, theoretically he could make anything. He's quite a good artist. He also speaks in poetry sometimes.

[Affection] As long as you're a girl, you can probably get away with anything. He's not the type to reciprocate, though.
[Fighting] Saburo normally uses his skills for defense, so he's not going to be starting any fights. He won't really try to hurt you back, either, unless you really piss him off or it looks like you're not going to give up.

[Other Facts] Uhhh. I got nothin'.

memes are funtimez

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