Dear Yuletide Writer...

Nov 11, 2009 18:18

Dear Wonderful Yuletide Writer,

THANK YOU! Thank you for writing something that I desperately want fic of. You are awesome, and I think I love you, even though I don't know you.

So, general things: I really love gen, drama, romance, fluff, angst, and fluffy angst. I also love subtle character pieces or big long sweeping stories. I actually love almost everything. The only real fic pet peeves I have are AUs that completely change the premise of the original story and extremely whiny characters. I'm also not a huge fan of smut, but I do like it if it's built into a larger story.

But really, I will love whatever you write me as long as you put effort into it and love the fandom as much as I do.

So, the fandom-specific notes:

Merlin Conspiracy: (I am just whole-sale copying what I wrote last year about this) I somehow ended up rereading this twice within six months, and now I am absolutely desperate for more.  I love the foundations DWJ set for Nick and Roddy---Nick's puppy-dog crush turning into respect and Roddy slowly coming to like him--and I'd love to see where that takes them a couple of years down the road.

Mad Men: I wrote "something post-season 3" or something to that effect on my actual request even though the season 3 finale hadn't aired yet and OMG how happy am I that I wrote that? I loved the crazy new dynamic that the finale introduced. I especially like how Pete and Peggy ended up because my whole thing about them is that I don't really want them to get together, I want them to rule the world. I would really love something about Pete and Peggy in this New World Order that's been created at Sterling, Cooper, Draper, and Pryce. It would be great seeing the other characters in it as well. Anything about their weird relationship would be really lovely.

Better off Ted: I love the huge group dynamic on this show; it's the absolute best part. If you could write fic about the wacky goings-on at Veridian, that would be awesome. If you want to add in some awkward Ted/Linda flirting, go for it, but what I really want is just a "typical" day at Veridian. What are they weaponizing that week, perhaps? Or what's malfunctioning and causing major problems? What crazy thing is Veronica doing? Give me wackiness, and I will be happy.

P.S. My Christmas morning is spent with my nephews, ages 6 and 4, so I will not get to a laptop until probably the afternoon. So don't expect a review from me until later in the day. It's not that I'm ungrateful for the fic, it's just that I will be running around like a crazy person trying to keep up with the fam.


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