Aug 31, 2006 21:29
Another crazy week... so much is happening at the moment and somehow i'm still doing a 9-5 job at the same time, although it's my last day of greetings card madness tomorrow :( I have a new job at MUSE lined up and pretty much in the bag though, it's basically my favourite bar in sheffield and i'll be fully cocktail trained and all that jazz which is damn sweet. Last weekend Tom and Jimmy came to stay and we had some big nights out, it was wicked to see them again. This weekend is Luke's birthday so it will be pretty crazy too. Jo wants to see me, but I'm being a bit evasive because we have absolutely nothing in common, I just think she's pretty hot. I also know she wants a boyfriend and as I have no intention of being that, it's not really a good idea to go much further. I have finally got a new mobile phone and joined the picture-phone generation on a contract. Number will still be the same, so don't worry about that. Fuck, I love all these different jobs, when I start at Muse it will be my third job in five weeks! Certainly keeps you on your toes, and I know quite a few of the west street bar working crowd already so won't be long before I settle in. Can't wait to see if my Mojitos are good enough to be served for a fiver! I almost forgot, it was bank holiday wasn't it, so I was out on Sunday too... ended up watched John Tucker Must Die at the cinema because Brook from One Tree Hill is in it and she's hot! Then we went drinking and met an old schoolmate and chatted the night away. It was awesome. On a more negative note, I was in a car crash today, it could have been nasty, some jerk pulled out in front of me and i did an emergency stop in the rain, we collided but only caused scrapes to the bumpers. He apoligised and actually seemed a decent enough guy, just makes me so glad I get to stop commuting tomorrow, it's crap when it can take forty minutes one day to get home and two hours the next. I have camo dunlops! Didn't even know they existed before! The guardian crossword is my bitch. Goodnight xx