Over on the 3 sentence ficathon, someone
prompted, "What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil", so, on behalf of Spike stans everywhere, I had to toss some words in that general direction. I... I don't think it's fic, even three-sentence. But I will count it as writing, for still-hanging-onto-my-getyourwordsout-goal-by-a-thread purposes.
Beyond Good and Evil
Tainted with affection and jealousy, the boy's too selfish, thinks too small to be proper evil; he'll ruin the most magnificent doomsday plan if it means getting his girl back; he'll care for her, and he'll kill for her, and he'll cease killing and let his dinner go if the Slayer threatens her.
He'll comfort Buffy and he'll kill whoever threatens what she loves, yes he'll do anything for Buffy, but that's just it, he's only ever in this for her selfishly (you can't judge the dead according to what they do; it's written in the books they don't feel like we do, this mess of desperation to belong and getting tangled up in hope and always, somehow, hurting the ones we love, all too human).
On the day a too human vampire dares to demand a taste of the knowledge of good and evil, he shall surely die - and who will be born?
This entry was originally posted at
https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.org/87367.html. They tell me you can comment there using