I don't currently use cuts in rec lists, but if someone would have preferred a cut, let me know.
(1) Not Buffy
untitled ficlet ("In Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts, Professor Trelawney...") by deadcatwithaflamethrower (surprise crossover, Fred, George, Sirius, OC, not rated - worksafe, complete)
This was fun!
(2) Not Spuffy
Body Language by estepheia (Spike/Anya, Mature, 3724w, complete)
(OffYourBird recced it to me)
Lovely, wholesome casual sex.
Re: How does Jenny deal with Faith getting anxious before her first date with Buffy? by jenny-calendar (Faith&Jenny, Jenny&Giles, Faith/Buffy, not rated - worksafe, complete)
Re: things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear by jenny-calendar (Giles, Willow, not rated - worksafe, complete)
Cool headcanon about Giles' attitude towards Willow's magic.
(3) Spuffy
To be clear, I think all
seasonal_spuffy entries are worth checking out, but here are some of my personal favorites, plus one other story that made its way to me in November.
Not Today by garnigal (Spike/Buffy, not rated - worksafe, oneshot, complete)
Poignant and so elegantly composed.
An Experiment by joycometh (Spike/Buffy, Explicit, 1388w, complete)
(Double Dutchess recced it to me)
Tagged "ruining menstruation kink" by author. Hilarious. Made my day.
Black Friday by bewildered (Spike/Buffy, rated NC-17 NOTHING BUT SMUT HERE, 4396w, complete)
What I really like about this besides the obvious is that 3 chapters of PWP work so well as a story. bewildered is one of those authors who can do a lot with a smut scene. <3
(k)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home by stuffnonsense (Spike/Buffy, Adult Only, 3300w so far, WIP!)
It's a bit like its prequel "The Sharing Game" (so: difficult conversations and emotional intimacy galore), but with sex. I'm so happy.
Route 666 by bewildered (Spike&Lorne, Spike/Buffy, rated R for now, 4,619w so far, WIP!)
Lorne!!! Also some first-rate Drusilla!
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 2:
Spike's a Good Boi by Passion4Spike (Spike/Buffy, PG, 44,577w so far, WIP!)
Mainly reccing because RIPPER MET SPIKE and it was comedy gold. Also, there's an original puppy character who totally slays vampires. ^^
And what have you guys been reading? :)
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