Jun 21, 2005 20:12
No matter what you tell yourself in the begining of the relationship with someone that you know is going to be influencial, about not raising hopes and falling, you end up doing exactly that. Then while you're in the middle of falling hard, you promise that you wont hurt each other. Thats another thing that never works....ever. But still you make each other belive that this is happiness and that no matter what it wont end. That you can make each other fly up in the clouds. Then after all the happy times one of you leaves for a day or a weekend but it changes everything, at least it did for me. NOw everything has changed and I'm told I dont care anymore. Apparently I'm now inmature and cold, thats why I cried and I've spent the last few days feeling horrible. Now I'll spend my summer alone...at least in the place it counts.
So to the person who has made me cry and pushed me closer to the edge then I would ever dare to addmit to them....thanks for letting me fall, crash and burn.