Feb 26, 2005 13:24
in the newspaper for the 25th a grl from spanish river, unknown grade, ASHLEY MILLER wrote an article about how people segreagte themselves during lunch. And she describes this segregation by what people wear or listen too. the article is not very well written or researched and frankly it kinda bugs me. I dress pop/rock/whatever i like and listen to everything from jayz-LP-motown- jazz to hard rock and punk. and i have friends in every group. you sit with people you want to or promised you'd sit with. more often than not those are your friends so of course you'll have similar interests. But even that didnt get me too ticked till i read a quote from ERIC PERELMAN saying "The debate kids are the most intelligent[of the student body], we actually know whats going on in the world." Well needless to say that is the comment that really got me. Where does he come off saying that? What makes him state that only the smart kids or the kids that know whats happening around us are in debate?! Nic's idea is to post this and hope that people will see this and pass on the word.