This tides come a turning, no room to mourn what you have lost [ Mirror | Spock | Uhura | Closed ]

Feb 17, 2010 23:47

[ Time was an odd concept and one that often baffled Uhura. It always seemed like things were moving at a snails pace while she relayed transmissions and scanned subspace for messages on the bride of the ISS Enterprise, a place that she would need to get used to calling home. Yet, on the other hand, the whole incident that landed her on the bridge in the first place was months ago and felt like only yesterday. Romulans with personal qualms with the Terran Empire were commonplace, but those with that kind of power were another entirely. It was only tact and inkling on the part of a hotshot cadet that saved the Empire from annihilation and got him his own flagship to play Captain with.

She’d been on that bridge that day and though she served the ship and it’s acting command officers impeccably she still had to swear her loyalty before she could call that post her own. Oaths sworn in vain for some who had other focuses and ambitions, but in this place that was everyone. She bit her tongue and swore that oath with tentative loyalty like everyone else on that crew had.

Well, all save for one. ]

Beta shifts over, Uhura.

[ The familiar voice came from behind her. Of course her shift was done and Riley was here to relieve her from her post, despite her engrossed interest in the comm message currently being sent form the science station. Spock sad no more than 15 feet away and her method of eavesdropping was probably a violation of that thin sheet of trust their professional relationship possessed, but in a way it was her right as the communications officer. Though justifying it with the Captain’s request to assist with keeping them honest wasn’t something she was proud of.

Silver receiver taken off and console gladly relinquished, she made her way across the bridge and to the turbo lift at the other end, drawing little attention as she did. It was a good thing that no one paid much attention to the comings and goings of people from the bridge, or the hovering she did within the lift would seem odd indeed. ]

beth: spock (mirror), lauren: nyota uhura (mirror), [alt location] iss enterprise, !closed

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