> let's waste time chasing cars around our heads [ kirk | open ]

Aug 15, 2009 00:53

[ Thank God for Wonder Twin Powers.

Kirk had only stopped by his quarters long enough to disregard the golden command shirt and black pants for jeans and a white shirt. Normally he would have taken the time to fold the shirt into it's respective manner... but he wasn't in any frame of mind to do so now. Really he wasn't in the mind set to do anything other than drink himself to the point where he couldn't tell the glass from the bar counter.

When he went to Holodeck 3, he walked into the Riverside Shipyard Bar. It had been three years since he was there. Three years ago when Pike had done what no one else did: challenged him. And did he prove him wrong. Four? Phf. Kirk managed to get his ship in three years and the finest crew in all of Starfleet. Surrounded by his friends that were slowly becoming his family.

Except that it was one member short now.

Slowly he made his way over to the main counter and sat down. He folded his hands together then pressed the palms against his face. With Uhura, Sarek, and his crew knowing... maybe now he could just be Jim Kirk and hurt. And not have to be Captain James Kirk. He let out a shaky breath. Raising one hand, he ordered the usual: classic Budweiser.

He grabbed the glass with his shaking hand and slammed it on the table.

God dammit, Spock. ]

holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), kerry: kathryn janeway (2377), rumi: james t. kirk (2258.55), watson: leonard mccoy (2258.50), kira: nyota uhura (2258.55), !open, [location] holodeck/holosuite, kerry: deanna troi (2375), sara: christopher pike (2258)

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