> I woke with this fear: what am I leaving... [.50 | open ]

Aug 08, 2009 23:50

[ Why the hell hadn't he thought of this before? How long had it been staring him in the face until now? And why did it take until talking to Ena in the library to notice it? Kirk had no answers to his own questions. He was running on a high. A high of excitement. Something he hadn't felt since before his time on Shtel Nor.

Maybe, just maybe, he ( Read more... )

beth: spock (2258.50), holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), kerry: kathryn janeway (2377), watson: leonard mccoy (2258.50), rumi: jean-luc picard (2373), [location] operations, kira: nyota uhura (2258.55), !open

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icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:14:46 UTC
[The man was all but running through the hallways with that excited look on his face which meant either something extremely good or something extremely bad was about to happen. In either case, it seemed prudent to follow, but the speeds Jim was moving combined with his own efforts to be discreet about his pursuit left him just missing the turbolift. However, as he watched the doors close in front of him, he realized that there was really only one place that he could be going.

So once it had returned, he stepped inside himself, emerging in the operations center to find him poring over far too many PADDs at once.]

You seem to be quite elated, Jim.


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:19:45 UTC
Me? Elated, Spock? Never.

[ That tone in his voice removed any hint of sarcasm because he was so damn happy. He just grinned up at Spock before looking down at the console and continuing to hit buttons. Holly nodded to Spock as well in greetings.

Kirk didn't look back up as Spock inevitably walked over to him. Instead he held up one of the PADDs that had a historical article on it: Nexus. ]


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:21:20 UTC
[He glanced through the article as he spoke again, eyebrow raising.]

I presume this is the cause?


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:24:18 UTC

[ He glanced up at Spock but his focus remained forward. ]

Captain Picard was telling me how he met the me from his universe. From the Ambassador's universe. He was thought to have died in 2293 because he randomly disappeared off the Enterprise-B. Instead he had ended up in the wake of a temporal phenomenon called the Nexus by some people named El-Aurians.

[ A shrug. ]

The Nexus creates a reality for the individual inside it. Anything they want.


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:27:53 UTC
And you believe that we have been somehow caught in this Nexus? And all of us ended up with this same reality?


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:29:49 UTC
If not that Nexus, then one that acts just like it.

[ Kirk finally turned to his First Officer, grabbing another PADD. This one listed all the current residents of Shtel Nor in order of their arrival. ]

Look at who is here, Spock. Haven't you noticed the similarity between them all?


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:32:28 UTC
Other than that most appear to be Starfleet officers, I do not believe that I have.


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:40:46 UTC
[ The look he gave Spock was one of "if I were fully Fifty-Five, I'd head desk right now." He sighed and pointed to the PADD, specifically their crew. ]

I was the first to come here. Then Bones, then you.


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:48:22 UTC
...they are the senior officers of the Enterprise.


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:50:42 UTC
[ Again, he sighed. God damn Vulcan logic first. ]

We're all friends, Spock.


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:54:08 UTC
And what bearing do you think this has on our current situation?


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:56:04 UTC
Think about it. The Nexus creates whatever we want, right? Well what if the reason why so many people we know are coming here because we want them here? We subconsciously think "I miss so-and-so" or "I wish I could see so-and-so." Then the Nexus makes it happen. It's pulled you, me, and Bones from the same day.


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 07:58:29 UTC
So in essence, we are controlling who is brought here.


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 07:59:31 UTC
That's the theory. So then the question is, if I'm right? ...Who brought the first of us here?


icanhaslogic August 9 2009, 08:03:21 UTC
Perhaps there is some individual or entity who created this place for that purpose and has since lost control of it.


canyonsiniowa August 9 2009, 08:05:37 UTC
You're suggesting someone got into the Nexus and wanted to meet a few of us. Then given my theory, we ended up taking control of the situation subconsciously and we control who comes here?


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