> can't just run away if you don't know where to go [ .50 | open ]

Jul 31, 2009 18:31

[ He really should of known that trying to climb into Operations wouldn't of done a lot of good. Holly was smarter than that. Which was why he had been dropped out of the vent and landed on the floor. And twisted his wrist. He had taken his bruised and aching hand back to the Promenade Bar and found some ice. And Holly was kind enough to give him bandages.

With him trying to bandage it with one hand and a glass of bourbon next to him. ]

rumi: ezri dax (2375), holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), kerry: kathryn janeway (2377), beth: deven lanford (2373), rumi: james t. kirk (2258.55), [location] promenade bar, watson: leonard mccoy (2258.50), annie: jadzia dax (2372), kira: nyota uhura (2258.55), kat: jimena t. kirk (2258.45), * mandatory rest day

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