Somedays It Was Easier Not To Get Out Of Bed At All [Uhura | Open]

Jul 16, 2009 04:57

[ uhura had almost stayed in her room. sleep was supposed to help with a headache not make it worse, but she could swear that the pounding in her temples that she woke up with was ten times worse than the one she'd had when she was the sleep. but despite her urge not to budge, she had extracted herself from the bed and gotten ready.

she'd managed all right through the majority of the day despite the pain that had been spreading through out her head until it managed to reach her eyes. walking through the corridor towards sickbay with her hand held up to shield herself from the lights, head cocked to the side with one eye open so that she could see while the other was squeezed tight shut to stave off the pain, she found, was not the best way to transverse the walkways.

she found herself stumbling and crashing into the floor before she'd gotten much more than a few yards. ]

Goes to show even my graceful little girl has her slip-ups.

[ no. no, she wasn't looking up. she wasn't. there was too much to hope that came with hearing that voice under these circumstances, too much that she wanted to be real.

she wasn't looking up. ]

People are going to walk on you if you just lay there, binti. You're blocking the road.

!open, kira: nyota uhura (2258.55), [location] sickbay, holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), * whale arc, annie: spock (2258.58)

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