Liberal vs Conservative rhetoric? Can we be grown ups now?

Aug 19, 2010 09:17

This post has taken a while to come to a head. I try not to get into political conversations because when I do I get emotional. 20 years ago it was easy enough to stay away from but with the spawning of the internet age and social media it has been harder and harder not to be able to just get away from it.

Before the internet age it was easy. Didn’t want to hear the rhetoric from the liberals or the conservatives you had to do 2 things. Turn off the TV and not buy a news paper. You may have to endure a little at work or school, but put on a set of headphones or walk away from the conversation and it was over.

Now however with the internet and social media it’s becoming harder to get away from. You read a forum somewhere, and someone is bashing George W Bush, go to Facebook and you have some puts up a profile picture that says to “Spay and Neuter Liberals”. Twitter people will retweet everything anything that is politically charged. Meanwhile while all you want to do is keep in touch with friends, family, and colleagues you are inundated with bullshit. Childish elementary school playground bullshit.

Sure the US Constitution gives you the right to say what you want. The fourth Amendment freedom of speech, but it is my opinion that people are taking that freedom for granted. Spewing whatever comes to mind, anything that may or may not offend their political rivals. To be honest it really demeans the meaning behind that freedom. We were given the freedom of speech to keep the political machine from becoming too powerful, not as a weapon to demean people who don’t share the same beliefs as you, yet that is what is being done, and it’s being done in such a way that makes the person wielding that freedom to be as immature as the playground bully.

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