Title: Apple Wars 4
Rating: PG
Word Count: 635
Summary: This is a continuation of Apple Wars 1, 2, and 3
A/N: I really like this story arc for some reason :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, I'm merely playing with the characters for fun
Draco was not ready for the backlash of his latest plot. Sure, the Weasel had deserved it after he’d charmed apples to attack him like a bludger, but Draco had retaliated by turning his fat head into a gigantic apple-he couldn’t fit through a door without casting an Engorgio for a week!
Weaslebee was the one that took the war a step further when he charmed any food that Draco put in his mouth to automatically turn into an apple, except it didn’t stop with food. Not only had part of Harry’s anatomy turned into a giant red apple, but both Harry and Draco had suffered until it wore off two weeks later.
Only now, with a menacing Hermione brandishing her wand, did Draco think he might have pushed his latest prank too far.
“You two are completely out of control,” she scolded, her hair in complete disarray as she cradled a scowling Rose on her hip.
“I don’t think-”
“That’s the crux of it all, Draco, you weren’t thinking.” She gestured to the room around them and Draco sunk lower in his chair-turned-apple. “An apple?!?” she shrieked and it pierced his eardrums. “You turned our house into an apple!”
Ron sniggered from his spot next to Draco and the blond elbowed him in the ribs. As hard as possible.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook,” Harry admonished, his arms crossed over his chest and his hair competing with Hermione’s in wildness. “You were trying to figure out how to turn Draco into an apple pie last time I checked.”
The quelling glare the blond sent the redhead was enough to wipe any sort of amusement from the other man’s face. He squirmed in his seat and stared down at his lap, the tips of his ears turning as red as his apple-house.
“This childish prank war,” Hermione cut in, “is out of hand. You two weren’t even this bad when we were at Hogwarts!”
“What has gotten into you two?”
“Motherducking apple benches,” Rose added helpfully.
Ron gaped at his precious little girl and her dirty sailor mouth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what she was really saying. He narrowed his eyes at Harry and then at the blond boasting a grin next to him. “Why did you have to teach her that?”
“If I remember correctly,” Hermione interrupted before Draco could form a scathing reply, “and I always remember correctly, you helped teach her some of those words too.”
“Yes, but-”
“No, buts,” Harry said, using his best Auror Potter voice that was so commanding it worked on his best friend and Auror partner. “You two need to make this right.”
“Come on, Harry,” Draco whined. “He’s the one that started it.”
“I don’t care who started it,” Harry replied like a parent speaking to a child. “You two are going to finish it before we Aveda Kedavra you both.”
“You are just overreacting,” Ron blurted. “They were just a couple of harmless pranks. No harm done.”
It was Hermione’s turn to glower icily at her husband. “No harm done?” she repeated, her voice strained as she refrained from exploding. “You will sleep on the couch, Ronald Weasley, until you fix this.”
“’Mione! That’s not fair.”
“Fix. This.”
Harry smiled sternly at the two properly chastised men slouching in defeat on their apple seats. “’Mione and I are taking Rosie to get some ice cream at Fortescue’s, which should give you plenty of time to fix this before we get back.” He herded the other two over to the fireplace and threw some floo powder into the flames. “Seriously,” he stared daggers at the men, “otherwise we won’t come back until this is over.”
As the three disappeared, Draco had to admit that maybe he had gotten a little carried away.