Accio Draco

Sep 13, 2013 23:29

Title: Accio Draco
Rated: PG13
Word Count: 870
Summary: Boys night out
A/N: Drinking?
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Friday nights were usually Harry’s favorite night of the week. Since most of his friends had families and spouses at home, rarely could all of his former dorm mates get together. Except on Fridays, for at least an hour, all of them would gather until their responsibilities split up the group once again.

Normally the Leaky Cauldron on a Friday night felt a little like returning to Hogwarts before the war.

Four pints into the evening and Harry was feeling buzzed despite the morose cloud that threatened to engulf him. A cloud that Harry appropriately imagined was the same color of gray as the eyes of the person who was currently sitting across the room.

And he wasn’t alone.

“You’re staring again, mate,” Ron hissed in his ear.

Perhaps Ron wasn’t as discreet as he thought or the strange pull Harry had felt toward the blond for the past six months had turned tangible because the former Slytherin met and held Harry’s gaze, a shy smile playing at the corners of his perfect mouth.

All too quickly for Harry’s liking Draco looked back at his companion. The small smile he had shot at Harry was nothing compared to the dazzling one he reserved for Blaise.

Blaise Zabini, Draco’s on-and-off again boyfriend, was the luckiest man in the world and he didn’t appreciate it.

“Woah, Harry,” Neville shouted and jumped from the shaking table, successfully capturing Harry’s attention.

He looked from Ron to Seamus, to Dean, and finally to Neville before he realized the source of the mini-earthquake was his rampant wandless magic.

“Sorry,” Harry mumbled sheepishly.

“’s alrigh’ Harry,” Seamus slurred. He leaned over the table and waved in Draco’s direction, spilling his firewhiskey all over his hand and the basket of chips he had been nibbling on. “Malfoy is a tosser ‘m’kay?” He fixed Harry with a stare that a professor would give a student in detention. “Forget him,” he shouted and glared at the blond.

“Shut up Seamus,” Harry ordered through gritted teeth and sunk lower in his seat.

Having plenty of practice at making the peace since he’d married Ginny, Dean raised his hands to stop Seamus from his rambling and to calm Harry down. Thinking it was best to change the subject, he fixed Harry with a placating smile. “That was some wandless magic, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Ron agreed, pillowing his head on his arms. His flaming red hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and his eyes were drooping closed.

Neville rolled his eyes at both Seamus, who was now consuming the chips in front of him, and Ron who had started snoring.  “Hmmm…” he hummed to his almost empty pint and tapped his knuckle on the table.

“What?” Harry asked, watching Draco drink his wine out of the corner of his eye.

“It just makes me wonder,” Neville said carefully. “I mean,” he straightened his back just as Draco’s eyes landed on Harry’s table. “What else, do you think you could do?”

Harry didn’t see the knowing grin that Dean and Neville shared. He openly stared at the former Slytherins across the room as he spoke, “I can summon things, disarm someone, and perform some spells when I really concentrate,” he ticked off his answer on his fingers. “I can’t always control it,” he added softly, feeling completely sober.

“Summoning charms, eh?” Dean smirked and nudged Neville in the ribs.

Harry didn’t hear the rest of the exchange, instead he watched as Draco slid out of his seat, placed his hand on Blaise’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear. His eyes met Harry’s again. He knew. He had to know how Harry felt about him, the longing and want Harry had been stifling for months threatened to spill out of his mouth.

As if by magic, Draco straightened and sauntered over to Harry.

“Potter,” he greeted, not bothering to acknowledge anyone else at the table. “I think I had a bit too much wine,” he purred and bit his bottom lip. “Could you help me get home?”

There was a collective gasp from everyone who was still awake at the table. Harry’s eyes automatically darted to Zabini who was chatting up Zacharias Smith in the corner, his arms wrapped around the other man’s waist.

“Sure,” Harry almost shouted, his eyes locking with Draco’s once more.

“Come along, Potter,” Draco called over his shoulder as he slinked toward the door. “I might need some help getting out of my clothes, I think I spilled some wine on them.” He winked and walked out of the Leaky, leaving Harry staring open mouthed after him.

“Er, guys,” he said, pulling out some galleons and tossing them onto the table next to Ron’s sleeping head. “Make sure he gets home,” he said in lue of a “good bye” and rushed out the door.

At first no one spoke. Seamus ate his chips while Dean looked at Neville and Neville looked at Dean.

“You don’t think,” Dean started, but shook his head. “No way.”

Neville waved his wife over as he pleaded for some help with Ron and Seamus. “I think so, mate,” he affirmed Dean’s unspoken thoughts. “Wandless summoning,” he let out a soft chuckle.

“Wow,” Dean added. “Accio Draco.”

fluff, harry, drarry, humor, pg13, draco

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