My hooker bridesmaids...

Mar 08, 2008 02:05

     I just realized something, my bridesmaids and my maid of honor are all on vacation.  I got married a week ago and I've had no honeymoon.  That's just a little on the sucky side.

I think that Dare may be a little mad at me.  She invites me out with her best friend a lot.  Usually it's to go to bars and drink beers or to a club.  I don't do clubs.  I never have, even when I was younger and that's what you were supposed to do.  I'll go to a bar and drink with my friends, no problem, but I have to be in the mood to do it, because that is not my way of winding down after a long day.  I'm not against them, I would just rather be home, frankly.  My home is my haven.  I've worked hard to make it that.

Now, if it's your birthday or you're only in town for a day, I'm yours.  I'll do whatever you want, but "Hey, it's Wednesday night, wanna go to a bar?"  My answer is almost always going to be no.  Also, my car is on the edge of making death rattles, so I'm babying her as much as possible until the inevitable end, after which I will be car-less for a good long while.  So I tend not to go too many places if I can avoid it.  And, I don't particularly care for the smell of liquor on a man.  My father was an alcoholic and a MEAN one at that and that particular scent memory kind of makes me freeze a little and reminds me of things that I'd rather not be thinking about while out with friends, you know?


She needs to learn the right way to motivate me. These are always guaranteed to get a "yes" from me:

"Hey, Neis, we're going to the beach, wanna come?"
"Hey, we're going on a picnic to a park, you game?"
"Neis, wanna go fishing?"  (for this my answer if always 'abso-fucking-lutely')
"Neis, wanna help me put together this piece of furniture?"
"I bought a new sword/knife/crossbow/weapon, wanna see it?"
"Wanna go out on a boat?"
"Wanna go snorkeling/hiking/kayaking/canoeing/bike riding?"
"Neis, wanna go to the movie/museum/planetarium/exhibit?"
"I just bought a condo, want to help with repairs? (I LOVE spackling and painting walls)"
"Hey, I have a new recipe for [insert food choice here], wanna try it out?"
"Neis, this guy is a jerk and treated our friend wrong, wanna go and beat him up?"
"Wanna come over and play board games and drink Mojitos?"

But sadly, she doesn't do too well in the sunlight, and most of these activities aren't available at 11:30 at night, when I get out of work.  She says I'm a hermit.  I called her a smelly pirate hooker and promised I'd go next time she asked.  And I always keep my promises.

my day, about me

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