Teletran 1 due back tomorrow!!

Mar 07, 2008 20:12

     I just got the call that my computer will be returned and in better working order tomorrow!  There is much rejoicing in the Neisys Cobb household today.

I had an odd dream (oh, by the way, muscle relaxers before bed + Neis = sleeping peacefully all night long.  I'm not sure they're helping the shoulder, though. *sigh*) where me and 3 other ( Read more... )

thoughts, about me

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Comments 8

bao_bai_tony March 8 2008, 02:15:55 UTC
Congrat's on the puter news Neisys. We all did stuff we're not proud of when we were younger. I myself have fractured a few felonies as a yute. I boosted a corvette to impress a girl at 15 and took her for a ride that ended in pursuit in two counties. Ran out of gas but we still got away. She told her Mom. Busted. Got a job in a gas station paid restitution and learned the value of a dollar. And learned how to work on cars. So Win Win. Used to get chased street racing on the Boulevard and I grew out of that too.
How's your shoulder doing?


theneis March 8 2008, 06:44:03 UTC
It still hurts, so I'm pretty sure I have to start physical therapy. Stupid shoulder. It's crazy, it's only VERY specific movements that send that shooting pain into my brain and make it spasm (the shoulder, not my brain). ARGH! It's so dumb.
I am excited about the computer though. I have a loaner one that I've been using, but the little hamster in the wheel that powers it gets awful tired of running, so that's not a viable option most of the time. ;)
Y tu? Como te sientes?


bao_bai_tony March 8 2008, 13:04:10 UTC
I had a bad accident broke both collarbones and crushed vertebrae in my back about 12 years ago. Told me I wasn't going to walk again. Didn't take that as an answer and it took about six month to be able to get out of the wheel chair but I was walking pretty good within the year. Oh well they pay me a check every month for it. Got to love those union jobs. Still hurts some and both my shoulders dislocate pretty easy. They pop out and I'll bang them against a post or door frame and swear and see stars when i get them back in again. Kassie had a way of getting them back in without hurting really bad.


theneis March 8 2008, 19:54:31 UTC
Ouch, that sucks honey. I have no idea what I've done to it. But I'm pretty sure it's the whacked out way I sleep. Oh, what I wouldn't give to say that it was because Mr. Cobb got a little carried away...*sad sigh*


kingzgurl March 8 2008, 02:33:23 UTC
That's horrible on their part! Oh my god, what stupid kids! And dragging you into it unknowingly... what a bunch of pricks!


theneis March 8 2008, 06:36:35 UTC
It probably shouldn't bother me as much as it does after 15 years, but it still does. I'm no goody-goody, trust me, I've done some pretty horrible things in my life, but I CHOSE to do them. And not very much of the crap I've done has hurt anyone else (well, it's hurt mostly me, but that's my own fault), so I think it's that I wasn't given a choice that bothers me. 'Cause if she had just said, "Neis, we're pulling a dine & dash tonight," I would have told her that I didn't think it was a good idea, but that if she wanted to go that was her choice and I would have stayed in her apartment with her Mom and we would have watched a movie. I wouldn't have ratted her out.


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