greetings from work...

Feb 24, 2008 20:46

Well, it's been a better day than I thought I'd have.  I FINALLY got to see Jazz today and gave her her cheesecake.  Because I'm the one with the nutso schedule, I hardly ever get to see her, Livi and Rey and I miss them.  She went over to her parent's house, so I went there for a few minutes.  Her parents (my landpeople) hardly ever see me either, so we chatted about my weight loss and my hair loss.  They are so sweet.  Her Dad went and got me some FDA-approved hair growing stuff and was giving me advice and her Mom came over and gave me a hug and said that it would end up being nothing.  And Jazz and I looked at each other and kinda just rolled our eyes.  Now that their kids are all grown they are so much more parental and supportive (which they weren't when she was a kid) and I never had the whole 2 parents thing and much as my Mom tried, she was working too many jobs trying to keep us above water to BE parental (that fell to me. *laughs* I was parental enough for everybody).  And it was such a NICE moment, that they sincerely cared and it choked me up a little (i'm such a wuss).

Today I'm working with Jackie, who's been on maternity leave for the last 10  months, so it's been a day of baby pics (her daughter is GORGEOUS) and trading baby stories and tips.  Now, I've never popped out a baby, but I helped raise my nephew for years before I moved out on my own.  And my Mom and I were basically his mothers when his own took off for those 3 years after she and my brother broke up.  I changed plenty of diapers, and stayed up plenty of nights, and I was the one that potty trained him.  I've always considered him mine and the feeling is mutual.  There isn't one time that we've been together where he hasn't put his head on my shoulder and said he wished I was his mother.  Plus, before I got this job I was out of work for almost a year.  So, my contribution to the family was to take care of my nephew and the little boy across the street (which my Mom had been doing, but she got an actual job and I just kept doing it and told our neighbors to keep paying her) and take care of the house and meals.  So I had a 2 year old and a 3 year old, together, for a year.  It was a crash course and I was both relieved and bitterly disappointed when I started working again.  That year taught me a lot, and was probably as close to actually having kids as I'm likely to get.

Crap, break time is over.

my day, thoughts, about me

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