Oct 18, 2004 14:52
ok the confusion has gotten worse.
someone told me I was changing the other day. It kinda bothered me because i didnt know if it was for good or for bad, but i was thinking about it and change can be a really good thing if you give it a chance. I hope that i'm not turning into someone that i told myself i would never be.
I made a promise to myself that i'm not talking shit about anyone anymore. For some reason, its been "cool" to talk shit about every little thing people do. I dont even feel comfortable around people anymore cause i'm afraid i'm gonna walk away and their gonna be like..."oh god i hate that girl". i just dont care anymore.i dont want to hurt anyones feelings, and the more you talk shit about people, the more shits gonna be talked about you. I love all my friends, and i'm not fake about it either. If i like you and your my friend, i act like it, and if i dont like you...which that rarely ever happens...then you'll probably know it.But i'm not gonna pretend to be your friend right infront of your face and then turn around and then say something horrible about you. thats so wrong. i just want everybody to feel comfortable when their around me.
<3 subreen.