A Lunar Twinkle!

Jul 19, 2010 13:42

As we move into the most intense time of the summer and the world/personal changes that are unfolding tied to the SQUARE forming in the sky with the outer planets, I wanted to send you a few tools to help with the coming challenges. As humans on this earth we are part of the cycle of movement with our Sun, Moon and Earth which includes the phases of the moon and the yearly eclipses. In June and July we experienced the moon “wobble” and the eclipse season in the sign of Cancer - the ruling sign of the MOON. We are all born with our moon in a specific place in our chart and it moves monthly through the progression of our life indicated by our progressed chart. Our current progressed Moons indicate where we FEEL and understand ourselves to be at the moment. It shows us a sense of who we are and how we can move right now-this month- with security and wisdom.

I’ve set up a list below of each of your Moon positions in July and in August of this year during the outer planetary stressful aspects. I’ve also included the “Sabian Symbol” which is a set of symbols for each degree of the zodiac (your symbols are for your Moon placement in July and in August) that help us to tune in to our inner lunar landscape. I’ve set up the list with your July progressed Moon degree, the Sabian Symbol that applies to that degree, a phrase that connects to the symbol, and an underlined keyword and then the same thing for August.

Your job is to tune-in and FEEL how these symbols might be working in your life. The Sabian Symbols have always helped me to better understand how I can take action on what is going on currently. Try it and see what happens. There is no black and white or right and wrong response - it is all up to your intuition. Have fun!!

July @ 11 Libra
“A professor peering over his glasses at his students.”
Transfer of knowledge-Instruction
August @ 12 Libra
“Miners are surfacing from a deep coal mine.”
Carry on with deeper levels of knowledge-Extraction

July @ 28 Taurus
“A woman past her ‘change of life’ experiences a new love.”
Capacity to rise in consciousness-Rebeginnings
August @ 29 Taurus
“Two cobblers working at a table.”
Two ways to experience understanding-Perspective

July @ 1 Aries
“A woman just risen from the sea. A seal is embracing her.”
Emergence of new forms-Impulse
August @ 2 Aries
“A comedian reveals human nature.”
Objectivation of consciousness-Reflection

July @ 13 Sagittarius
“A widow’s past is brought to light.”
Opportunities for a new cycle-Insight
August @ 14 Sagittarius
“The great pyramid and the sphinx.”
Enduring power of ancient knowledge-Spiritual Ancestry

July @ 24 Sagittarius
“A bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage.”
Integrate to environment, but stay true to self-Good Fortune
August @ 25 Sagittarius
“A boy on a hobby-horse.”
Anticipatory enjoyment of powers-Foreshadowing

July @ 1 Taurus
“A clear mountain stream.”
Pure and spontaneous manifestation of one’s nature-Potential Energy
August @ 2 Taurus
“An electrical storm.”
Cosmic power to transform-Visitation

July @ 18 Cancer
“A hen scratching the ground to find nourishment for her progeny.”
Fulfilling of life’s responsibilities-Self Reliance
August @ 19 Cancer
“A priest performing a marriage ceremony.”
Productive interpersonal relationships-Sanction

July @ 27 Cancer
“A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes.”
Confrontation with social demands or crisis that demands change-Metamorphisis
August @ 28 Cancer
“An Indian girl introduces her white lover to her assembled tribe.”
Inner rebirth to a new level of consciousness-Return to Nature

July @ 15 Virgo
 “A fine lace handkerchief, heirloom from valorous ancestors.”
Quintessence of deeds well done and building of beauty-Culture
August @ 16 Virgo
“In the zoo, children are brought face to face with an orang-utang.”
A direct confrontation with the “wild” power within oneself-Confrontation

July @ 20 Capricorn
“A hidden choir is singing during a religious service.”
Fulfillment of creative function and realization of unity-Plenitude of Being
August @ 21 Capricorn
“A Relay Race.”
Value of competition in developing group consciousness-Dynamic Interchange

July @ 29 Taurus
“Two cobblers working at a table.”
Two ways to experience understanding-Perspective
August @ 30 Taurus (0 Gemini)
“A peacock parading on the terrace of an old castle.”
Personal display of inherited gifts-Confirmation

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