First catch o' the season today; I've actually been trying to nab him for the past couple of days or so. I was a little scared once I had him, because my last experience with Nor'westerns
didn't go so well. He was a good boy though. No pictures though; I didn't have the energy and the lighting was shitty.
I'm going to have to make some visits to Beau's house soon. I want some photos of T. sirtalis. Also, really want photos of T. elegans because I don't even actually know if I've ever seen one. I glimpsed a snake around Andrea's place earlier this year, and it may very well have been T. elegans. Or T. ordinoides. Or T. sirtalis for that matter, but I think they tend to hug the coastline a bit more around here whereas elegans basically favours riparian habitat. And T. ordinoides is everywhere.
I really hope I got the job. I'm gonna have to choke a bitch if I don't.
Also, I watched a bit of Scotland getting ass-raped by Japan. Those crazy Japanese.
Man, I really ran out of writing steam there.
Happy Canada Day.