Sep 28, 2005 09:51
my boiler is broken
which means that now i need to put the central heating on i cant and its getting a bit chilly in the mornings at this time of year
i quite like autumn tho, i never used to, i was always a bit of a summer whore
i keep finding myself thinking, oooh i wish it would cloud over a bit or be a bit colder this morning so i could put my coat and hat on
i hope im not turning into a grumpy old man
anyway, on the plus side, because of the boiler situation i got to speak to my landlord for the first time, and what a jolly man he is!
he was just like 'oh well, these things happen, i'll get me mate to come round and look at it'
rather than, like every other landlord i have ever had 'are u sure its actually broken? u could live with it for a bit couldn't u? etc etc'
its band practice tonight, i forgot we had a gig on friday til just recently
i've been planning on how to get boozed up when i finish work on fri, but i reckon it'll have to wait a while
i wish i had interesting things to write like pod
i have no imagination, untill i sleep, then i have fuckin mental dreams, every single night
they ALWAYS contain at least one of the following things - excessive gore, spiders, filth, gays, travel, cricket players and foriegn countries that are nothing like they're ment to be (like when ground in india was exclusivly made from green lego bricks)
im off to eat some toast for me tea