Nine Things About Me

Dec 13, 2010 10:08

1.  I grew up on a farm.  I'm dang proud of that.  I still work in agriculture.  I'm feeding you, bitches!  Food doesn't come from grocery stores.
2.  I have a raunchy sense of humor that tends to assert itself in innappropriate situations.
3.  I prefer beer and pizza over merlot and prime rib.
4.  Preparing a meal for 100+ people is something I consider "fun".
5.  I am as athletic as a large boulder
6.  I could eat soup every day and be pleased.
7.  I do not like chocolate and mint together.  I realize this is bizarre.
8.  I can't sleep with anything on my legs.  Pajamas are not a good gift idea for me.
9.  I am extremely impatient.  This hasn't improved as I age.  I just hide it better.

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