Life in Boxes

Jun 09, 2010 10:28

Well, my job and the paperwork that goes with it has been consolidated into 14 cartons and a computer.  Five of the cartons are going into more or less permanent storage.  It is stuff that has historical significance.  Four of the cartons are going into temporary storage to be returned to me when I am ensconced in my new digs.  It is stuff that I need only a few times a year.  The remaining cartons are things I need either on a daily or at least weekly basis and will probably end up being stored in my car!!  Ugh.  I am still at my current desk for the time being, with naked shelves and cartons surrounding me.  Supposedly, I am to be moved to the conference room early next week.

Interesting how so much of our lives is measured in the numbers of boxes of things and documents we have.  This past Saturday, I participated in a big yard sale that Sweetie had at his shop.  So, I had to go through boxes of stuff in the attic.  When we moved in January of 2007, I had purged quite a bit of "stuff".  We had a yard sale at the old house the Fall before we moved.  However, we still managed to move quite a large amount of boxes to the new house.  20+ years of a relationship, 18+ years of Christmas and other holiday decorations collected, two 40+ year old lifetimes of various hobbies and collections...the amount of "stuff" had just grown.  Most of it found homes in the new house, but the attic still had quite a number of boxes that I needed to go through.  And despite taking about 10 boxes of stuff to the yard sale, the attic still has a lot of boxes in it.  In these boxes are things that we cannot make ourselves part with.  My wedding dress and leftover favors and other items from our wedding.  C's model rockets.  Several boxes of loved books.  C's baseball and football card collection (please forgive me anyone who loves sports cards...but...dammit - if he'd sell those, we would not have had to get a loan to build the patio!!!! But I digress and I am selfish). Masses of holiday decorations (the Halloween decorations now almost outnumber the Christmas decorations since we now have this big Halloween bash every year; and they keep coming up with really cool Halloween decorations!!!  I can't resist!).  And so, we have a lot of our lives in boxes.  But I haven't reached the levels of "Hoarding:  Buried Alive"...yet.

Aaaaaaaaaaand...our contractor didn't show on Monday, or Tuesday, or yesterday.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!  That is all I can manage about that at the moment...

C. is recovering very well from his surgery.  He has one more week of taking it easy, then he can return to normal activity.

I'm a lil annoyed with the other dudes in my life.  I am not a demanding girlfriend.  But I just don't think it's too much to expect communication maybe twice a week???  Yes, I know they are busy and have other demands on their time.  But at least freakin say "Hi".

Moving on...

45 days to sun, sand and marination.  Want.  Need extended time off so badly I can taste it. (Did I say that before?)

Two very cool pieces of entertainment I have seen this week:  1.) The premiere of Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" video.  Lady Gaga has grown on me.  Her music is excellent to dance to and her videos are visually stunning.  2.)  The season finale of Glee.  I am seriously IN LOVE with this show!!  And they are going to rerun the whole 1st season over the summer!  Squeeee!!

Ok, better get back to work. 

pain in the ass, stuff of life, wallowing in self-pity, annoyance, marriage, vacations, love, entertainment, work, relationships

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