Broken Record (Scratched CD, can something happen to an iPod to make it repeat?)

May 10, 2010 16:25

Yeah, so I have another audit tomorrow.  Enough said.

Nanner = whiney, bitchy, irritable, unfocused, apathetic, PMS-y, tired, grumpy, and generally feeling sorry for myself.

Had a brief lunch with Sweetie last week.  But I miss him nontheless.  So...mopey and weepy due to that.

It's May but it feels like October and I really need some heat.

Patio project was supposed to start this week, but we have yet to hear from our contractor.

Just have general blarghness.  I really need to get over myself.

At least I have Saturday to look forward to:  NYC and The Lion King!!  Hurray! 

blarghness, audits, nyc, sweetie, weather

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