More Minutia

Jan 19, 2010 15:43

Because fragbert inspired me and because it's all about me.......

7 Naner Quirky Things.

1.  Unlike most of the rest of the known chocolate eating world, I do not like mint and chocolate together. 
2.  I love the color red.  My dining room is red.  My car is red.  And I wear red as often as possible.  It's my opinion that this is a quirk because it seems like the rest of known world is obsessed with wearing black.
3.  Preparing a meal for upwards to 150 people or more does not scare me.  In fact, I have done it on numerous occasions. 
4.  Also, unlike the rest of the fruit eating world, I do not like raspberries.
5.  I cannot wear anything on my legs while sleeping.  If I try to wear pajamas, say if I'm a guest at someone's home or in a hotel, I usually end up stripping the pants off in the middle of the night and just hope there's not a fire. 
6.  On the other hand, I must have at least a sheet or a light blanket covering me, even if the temperature is very warm. 
7.  While I am by no means a grammar expert, it drives me absolutely INSANE to see words like; your, you're, their, there, they're, its and it's used improperly, especially in professional correspondance.  And that means e-mail too.  Just because e-mail is more "informal", it doesn't give you permission to use bad grammar.

In other news:  it's the usual.  Work  C. has been the best hubby ever lately.  Love him.  Sweetie sweetie.  Love him.  Gots me a bad case o' the winter blues.  We've had a bit of a thaw this week which means lots of slop and piles of dirty snow and slop making my pretty red car dirty and I hate slop.  Blah!  And like it or not, it's going to get cold and then thaw and make slop like this at least two more times before this PA winter is over.  So, I'll deal.

Tonight for supper, I am making ham, boiled potatoes and creamed cabbage.  Nummy, nummy, nummy.  PA Dutch comfort food!  Loves!  I can be bribed for the family secret recipe, if you're interested. 

nom nom food., quirks, minutia, weirdness

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