Out With The Old, In With The New

Dec 30, 2005 23:15

So, you know how that whole, "you have time to yourself some nights so you basically think the whole time" thing goes? Well I've been doing a lot of it lately, of course mixed in with house work, cleaning, moving furnitature around in my house and watching the occasional movie. (*Four Brothers is a damn good movie, I recommend it to anyone*) Anyway back to that whole thinking thing... ever realize that maybe your selling yourself short at all? I feel like I've been working my ass off and not giving myself enough credit for things. I mean, I don't like taking credit publically for things, I don't like being in the limelight getting awards or whatever, but I do the things I do for others, not because I want personal benefit. Take for example Kids Cafe. That place is my life, and some of the administration on campus wants me talking about how I changed these kids lives and all this crap. Yeah I have tried to change their lives so they could have a positive influence on their future, that was my main goal in helping these kids out. Then I realized that these kids changed me. Right now I can't pinpoint exactly how they did, but I know they did for the better.

I got my grades today. I kicked ass in my Criminal Justice classes, but did subpar in my other three. At least I didn't fail Child Psych which made my day. That made me think too. I'm so glad I'm actually good in the field I want to go into when I graduate. At least I'm not a someone who is struggling with their major and doing well in everything else. Which takes me to part number three.

Graduation. Yeah I know, graduation is coming and no one wants to talk about it, but we have too. May is creeping up around the corner. Actually ya know, I don't want to think about it right now, it's kind of depressing.

Ok, thats enough for now, more thoughts at a later date. Enjoy your last day of 2005 everyone, and Happy New Year!
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